MCO 1754.9B > United States Marine Corps Flagship > …
To update policy and guidance for the implementation and operation of the UPFRP.
2018年3月19日 · The UPFRP reset will enable commanders to focus on the basics of family readiness, while enhancing the role of the small unit leadership.
MCCS Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program
The Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) Training covers unit requirements, outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Family Readiness Command Team members, and provides information about funding, available resources, and …
2019年4月3日 · (a) The UPFRP is implemented to maintain ready Marines, Sailors attached to Marine Corps units, eligible beneficiaries, and authorized contacts (hereafter referred to as Marines and family...
Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program - United States …
The UPFRP operates under four main tenants: Official Communication, Readiness and Deployment Support, Information and Referral services, and Volunteer management. Official communication is...
Readiness Coordinators - United States Marine Corps
Readiness and Resource Referral: The UPFRP provides assistance to address issues with the potential to impact the Marines, families, and the unit. The DRC/URC is a readiness, resource and...
Family Readiness - United States Marine Corps
The UPFRP is critical to the readiness of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command and the monitored commands we support. Family Readiness Volunteers, including Command Team Advisors, Family Readiness...
MCCS Family Readiness Program Training
The Unit, Personal, and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) is a unit centric program, guided by the Family Readiness Command Team that reinforces the relationship between the unit and the services relevant to the unit, the unit members, and their families.
Unit Readiness Coordinator - Headquarters Marine Corps
The Unit Readiness Coordinator (URC) is the face of the Commander's vision for the Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP). The URC is the direct link to Marines and their family...
UPFRP Policy - United States Marine Corps
The Unit, Personal, and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) in Combat Logistics Battalion 11 exists to support all Battalion Marines and Sailors, married and single, and their family...