Retro Instruments 176 - Sound On Sound
Bill Putnam's 176 Valve Limiter, the predecessor of the ubiquituous UREI 1176LN, is among the most coveted and sought-after vintage compressors. It is rare these days even in its motherland, the United States, but it's virtually impossible to source one on the European side of the pond.
带你了解那些传奇(贵的离谱的)压缩器01——Urei 1176(上)
2020年9月5日 · 诞生自Bill Putnam之手的1176可以看作是同样非常成功的UA 175B跟UA 176的改良版。 主要的改变是用当时的新发明——场效应管(FET, Field-Effect Transistor)来替代175B跟176上的电子管(Vacuum Tubes),用以控制压缩器对音频信号的衰减,这也是为啥它是我们今天 …
随手可得的UA经典品质 ---Universal Audio Volt 176音频接口
Volt 176包括整个Volt USB系列的核心应用就是76 COMPRESSOR压缩器模块与VINTAGE前置放大器模块,这也是它与其它同类音频接口最大的特征差异,因此在试用环节侧重于它们在应用中的实际表现。
1176 Peak Limiter - Wikipedia
The 1176 Peak Limiter is a dynamic range compressor introduced by UREI in 1967. Derived from the 175 and 176 tube compressors, it marked the transition from vacuum tubes to solid-state technology.
1176 vs. 1176 vs. 1176:对比经典1176压缩器的各个版本 - 哔哩哔哩
2021年11月15日 · 1966年,由Bill Putnam创建的“Universal Audio”公司已经推出了两款电子管压缩器:175和176,而此时Bill正在开发一款全新的晶体管压缩器,并为其设计了基于“FET”(场效应管,Field Emitting Transistor)的传感器电路。
Urei / Universal Audio 1176 Compressor/Limiter - Vintage King
The Universal Audio 1176 Compressor/Limiter was first introduced in 1967, created by Bill Putnam Sr. as the solid state successor to his tube-based 176 limiting amplifier.
UA 175-B & 176 Tube Compressor Collection Manual
2024年4月1日 · Based on a pair of UA's 1960s golden units, the UA 175-B and 176 Tube Compressor Collection gives you all the ultra-musical harmonics and colorful saturation of these original units — down to their magical feedback compression circuit — giving you softer compression at lower input levels and harder, nearly brickwall limiting at higher levels.
Universal Audio 176 compressor - threshold points - GroupDIY …
2009年10月18日 · Referring to the UA 176, I understand that setting the RATIO equates to changing simultaneously DC and AC thresholds. The only reason for this would be to maintain a constant Gain Reduction dB value for different levels at …
压缩器专题06——FET压缩器代表:1176(下):特点、英国模式 …
2020年9月16日 · 经典的Urei 1176就更不用说了,一方面是年代久远,保养状况参差不齐,另一方面是状态好的基本上都是天价了。 这种情况下,模拟1176的插件自然是一个更经济的妥协方案,接下来就给大家介绍一些模拟1176的插件,供大家参考(包括但不仅限于):
Retro Instruments: Retro 176 Limiting Amplifier - Tape Op
As a recreation, the Retro 176 is a variable-mu compressor/limiter that can be heard as an audio time machine. It will take you back to the original sound of the classic UA 176 and 175B.
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