Urei Platform: Good, Bad, Ugly? - ProSoundWeb
2008年6月4日 · Hi same mixers here! 3 Platform, just MIN1 Units. Sound good. All ICs modules, upgradable to a trasformer option, one at mic in, one at line in, every channel MIN1. At JBL you can find MIN1 Pdf. I have original papers data for every module, OUT1, GATE, COMP, CPUs, etc. I haven't got a scan... but if you REALLY need some data, I could look for ...
JBL UREI MIN1 Service Manual download, schematics, eeprom, …
Preview of JBL UREI MIN1 [1st page] Click on the link for free download!
Urei Audio Schematics & Service Manuals
Urei Audio Schematics & Service Manuals. The no. 1 FREE download site for High End, HiFi, Pro & Vintage audio Schematics & Service Manuals
JBL/UREI 809A Studio Monitor Question - Audiokarma Home …
2019年6月18日 · What is the JBL or Urei model number for the coaxial driver? You'll also need the foam horn diffuser and am not sure if JBL can still supply it or not given its made of foam (which can degrade over time.
Which UREIs and why? - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2019年4月12日 · Urei with either the JBL or Altec driver make a great point source monitor speaker for LEDE production studios. Where you are more interested in the direct sound of the speaker than the reflected sound of the studio. This setup allows you to hear all thats on the master tape at the time.
带你了解那些传奇(贵的离谱的)压缩器01——Urei 1176(上)
2020年9月5日 · 这两个版本是Urei这个牌子倒掉之前的最后两个版本,由于电路的进一步修改,新的1176的声音离经典的1176就更加远了(所以你会发现UA自己都没有推出这个版本的软件模拟)。
历史车轮:经典 DJ 设备 UREI 1620 旋钮式混音器的故事
UREI(United Recording Electronics Industries) 成立于1967 年。 自 1950 年代以来,该公司一直以某种形式存在,当时它有一个你可能会知道的名字“Universal Audio”。 虽然在1971年以压缩器和限制器而闻名,但UREI的音质血统肯定是存在的。 音响工程师 Richard Long 为 1970 年代许多著名的迪斯科俱乐部(包括 Paradise Garage 和 Studio 54)构建了音响系统,正是他让1620成为夜总会和音质的代名词,并且至今仍然是世界各地 DJ 的最爱。 尽管 UREI 1620 在 1983 年 …
forumpoweraudio.ro • Vezi subiect - Urei Min1
Pagina 1 din 1 [ 1 mesaj ] Versiune printabilă Subiectul anterior | Următorul subiect Autor Mesaj P Victor Subiectul mesajului: Urei Min1 Scris: Lun Noi 29, 2010 1:36 am Ultramoderator Membru din: Dum Iul 04, 2010 3:36 pm Mesaje: 2680 Localitate: Bucuresti Romania Service manual Fişiere ataşate: UREI MIN1.pdf [156.69 KiB] Descărcat de 157 ori _________________ Excelența face diferența ...
UREI PLATFORM Frame w/ MIN1 Mono Input / PEQ1 Parametric …
UREI PLATFORM Frame w/ MIN1 Mono Input / PEQ1 Parametric EQ / OUT1 Modules
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