URG-86 : Czech Republic / Czechoslovakia (CZE)
Universal hand grenade vz. 86 (URG-86) It is an offensive and defensive hand grenade designed to increase the striking force of a soldier in combat in open terrain, trenches, shelters, etc. The lighter is activated at the moment of release from the hand when throwing.
URG-86 – Wikipedie
URG-86 je univerzální ruční granát, určený především proti živé síle nepřítele.
URG-86 Hand Grenade - CAT-UXO
The URG-86-SK is an inert filled hand-grenade with an inert fuze. The manufacturing of these hand-grenades takes place in the Czech company ZEVETA Bojkovice and the VOP Nováky in Slovakia. The fatal HE-Frag radius is approximately 8m, injury is up to 75 to 100m. Delivered to the military in boxes of 20.
Special Ammunition – ZEVETA Bojkovice a.s.
A controlled fragmentation of the grenade body results in an increased shrapnel effect. It contains a fuse, which, by moving a lever, allows the choice between a time-delay function or impact action with a throw safety and self-destruction. It is manufactured in these designs: URG-86, where the body and the primer are green.
CZK - URG-86 : Česká republika / Československo (CZE)
Je útočný aj obraný ručný granát určený k zvýšeniu údernej sily vojaka v boji vo voľnom teréne, zákopoch, úkrytoch a pod. Zapaľovač sa aktivuje v okamihu vypustenia z ruky pri hádzaní. Granát vybuchuje pri náraze na prekážku okamžite, alebo za 3,2 až …
Czech URG 86-Sk Hand Grenade - YouTube
Video of and overview of the Czech URG 86-Sk hand grenade. This one is inert, for training purposes only. It's still fun to play with.
Czech URG 86-SK inert training grenade - theakarmory.com
The URG-86 is a universal hand grenade that combines both timed and impact fuze functions. Both are activated 1.2 seconds after the safety lever is released as the grenade is thrown. After this interval the impact fuze is armed so that any impact …
Československá lidová armáda - ZBRANĚ - URG 86 - csla.cz
Klub vojenské historie Československé lidové armády sdružuje zájemce a sympatizanty, kteří se naší armádou zabývají ať již z pohledu sběratelského, historického nebo restaurací a kompletací dobové výstroje a aktivní účastí na cvičení a historických ukázkách. Vítáni jsou všichni včetně bývalých vojáků základní služby nebo vojáků z povolání.
Original Czech Republic Rare INERT URG-86 Universal Defensive ...
The main charge is 42 g of an unspecified high explosive. A training version filled with an inert material but with a fully functioning fuze assembly is known as the URG-86-Rd. There is also an inert training version with a functioning fuze containing no …
Munition, grenade, URG-86 | Fenix Insight
The URG-86 is a Czech defensive/fragmentation hand grenade, that can operate on time or impact function. The URG acronym is short for 'Univerzální Ruční Granát', quite literally (lit.) 'Universal Hand Grenade'. Whilst the 86 is short form for the year of adoption, which was 1986.