优利特11G尿试纸条URIT-11G尿液分析试纸330尿机500B尿机专用 …
这是优利特11G尿试纸条URIT-11G尿液分析试纸330尿机500B尿机专用正品的详细页面。 药(械)准字:桂械注准20192400097,材质:试纸,类型:试纸,是否一次性:是,品牌:优利特,规格:1桶11g试纸。 我们还为您精选了医用包公司黄页、行业资讯、价格行情、展会信息等,欲了解更多详细信息,请点击访问!
URIT 11G urine reagent strips provide tests for the semi-quantitative measurement of leukocytes, ketone, nitrite, urobilinogen, bilirubin, protein, glucose, specific gravity, blood, pH and ascorbic acid in urine. For use with the urine analyzers of Uritest …
HOT 优利特URIT 尿液分析试纸条(干化学法)URIT 11G (100 …
医械购提供优利特URIT 尿液分析试纸条(干化学法)URIT 11G (100条/筒 100筒/箱)价格、参数、图片、售后等商品信息,为您选购优利特URIT 尿液分析试纸条(干化学法)URIT 11G (100条/筒 100筒/箱)提供最有价值的参考。 医械购为您提供专业的医疗器械一站式采购服务!
优利特URIT 尿液分析试纸条(干化学法)URIT 11G (100条/筒 …
2022年6月27日 · URIT 11G 试纸条由多种化学试剂组成,可以检测尿液中的葡萄糖、蛋白质、酮体、亚硝酸盐、白细胞、比重、酸碱度等多项指标。 通过比色反应,可以直观地判断尿液中是否存在异常情况,为医生提供诊断依据。 URIT 11G 试纸条有多种类型可供选择,包括不同的测试项目和不同的包装规格,以满足不同临床需求。 每筒100条,每箱100筒,方便存储和管理。 这种试纸条适用于各种医疗机构和实验室使用,是一种常用的尿液分析工具。 优利特URIT 尿液分析试 …
桂林优利特 尿液分析试纸条(干化学法) 100T/11G_博医通
优利特urit 尿试纸条 urit-11g 100条/筒 关爱健康,诊断优先. 产品优势
LabDiag - Urine reagent strips
•Much higher reliability with Ascorbic Acid parameter. •Unique check block on every strip. •Easy visual reading. •Many different configurations in case of your need. •More parameters are expected and under development.
URIT 11G尿试纸条 - 方舟健客网
urit 11g尿试纸条 对人体尿液中白细胞、酮体、亚硝酸盐、尿胆原、胆红素、蛋白质、葡萄糖、尿比重、隐血、酸碱度、维生素C等化学指标进行半定量测定,为临床检验和诊断提供参考。
Urine Reagent Strip Urit 11G - OneMed Store
Strip urine analisys untuk mengukur 11 parameter : 1. Leukocytes 2. Ketone 3. Nitrite 4. Urobilinogen 5. Bilirubin 6. Protein 7. Glucose 8. Specific Gravity 9. Blood 10. pH 11. Ascorbic Acid. Satuan : Tube isi 100 Strips. Untuk pengajuan komplain wajib menyertakan video unboxing paket. Kami akan mengirimkan produk dengan kemasan terbaru dan ...
URIT 11G尿试纸条 (尿试纸条)_说明书_作用_效果_价格_方舟健客网
对人体尿液中白细胞、酮体、亚硝酸盐、尿胆原、胆红素、蛋白质、葡萄糖、尿比重、隐血、酸碱度、维生素C等化学指标进行半定量测定,为临床检验和诊断提供参考。 方舟健客集团成立于2015年,专注推进互联网慢病管理服务,致力做最值得信赖的智慧健康服务平台。 助勃全新剂型! 速勃! 最快12分钟起效! 必利劲治早泄不麻木,原装进口好品质! 降压降脂! 三高专区! 关注心脑健康. 抑郁症成为人类第2大杀手#四类高危人群需警惕! URIT 11G尿试纸条,尿试纸 …
优利特URIT 尿试纸条URIT-11G (100份/筒)-贝登医疗 - VEDENG
2023年10月8日 · 优利特 urit试纸资料库为您提供优利特urit 尿试纸条urit-11g (100份/筒)相关医疗器械内容,在优利特urit 尿试纸条urit-11g (100份/筒)页面,您可以轻松获取产品功能特点、术语参数、临床应用等相关信息。
Urine test strip URIT Medical Electronic (Group)
New parameters are under development. The urine reagent strips for use with analyzers have a unique check block on every strip and have a much higher reliability with an ascorbic acid parameter. URIT 13G, URIT 14G, URIT 10G and URIT 11G are for use with URIT urine analyzers. URIT 11F and URT 12F are for use with URIT automatic urine analyzers.
URIT 11G Urine Test Strips (100 Tests/Btl) - Shopee Malaysia
URIT 11G Urine Test Strips (100 Tests/Btl) | 11 Parameters including Ascorbic Acid | FDA & MDA Approved Product Image Section
100 Strip/1 tube 500B urine fractometer test URIT-11G test strip
2023年12月13日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 100 Strip/1 tube 500B urine fractometer test URIT-11G test strip at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Urine Reagent Strip Urit 11G di OneMed-Medicom | Tokopedia
Beli Urine Reagent Strip Urit 11G di OneMed-Medicom. Promo khusus pengguna baru di aplikasi Tokopedia!
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URIT-330 - Tareqapp
Strip:URIT 10G/11G urine reagent strips (13G,14G optional) Interface:Serial port(RS232), parallel port (For external printer), PS/2(For barcode reader),USB Port(For data out put)
URIT 11G, Parameter Urinalysis, Number of Strips: 100 Strips
Urine reagent strips provide tests for the semi-quantitative measurement of leukocytes, ketone, nitrite, urobilinogen, bilirubin, protein, glucose, specific gravity, blood, pH in urine. Measurement of multiple urine constituents and use for everyday diagnosis and group examinations.
URIT 11G Urine Test Strips (100 Tests/ Btl) - Lazada
Gluco Dr Test Strips: Rit urine test strips offer a fast and safe way to get liquids in the urine. Urine Strip: Urine test strips are made of on-screen absorbent polymer. Parafilm: Our test strips are made in the usa for fast and accurate test results. URIT 11G test strips for visual reading URIT URIT-50, URIT-500B, URIT-500C URIT-560. Leukocytes.
- 评论数: 9
URIT 11G Urine Test Strip (100 Test Strip /Bottle) 11 Parameters
Each single purchase will get 100pcs strip per bottle URIT 11G Urine test strips for URIT-50, URIT-500B, URIT-500C & URIT-560 - Leukocytes - Ketone - Nitrite - Urobilinogen - Protein - Glucose - Specific Gravity - Blood - pH - Ascorbic Acid - Bilirubin - Buy URIT 11G Urine Test Strip (100 Test Strip /Bottle) 11 Parameters
Urine Reagent Strip Urit 11G | Syaf Unica Indonesia
Strip urine analisys untuk mengukur 11 parameter : 1. Leukocytes 2. Ketone 3. Nitrite 4. Urobilinogen 5. Bilirubin 6. Protein 7. Glucose 8. Specific Gravity 9. Blood 10. pH 11. Ascorbic Acid. Satuan : Tube isi 100 Strips. Untuk pengajuan komplain wajib menyertakan video unboxing paket. Kami akan mengirimkan produk dengan kemasan terbaru dan ...
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