尿素降低率 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
URR設計用於測量所給予的透析量,且在 尿素 透析的 清除率 (Clearance (medicine))大大的超過尿素生成率的量時。 在連續的 血液透析 或 腹膜透析,例如有相當量的透析在進行時,但尿素水平在 尿毒症 的初始治療後仍然大致恆定,所以URR值基本上是零。
UREA REDUCTION ratio (URR) and normalized total treatment ratio (Kt/V; total-urea clearance, Kt, indexed to total-body water, V) are related quantities that are widely accepted measures of hemodialysis dose.1-4 Both evolved from mathematical models first proposed by Sar-gent and Gotch5,6 to describe the changes in blood urea nitrogen (BUN ...
Urea reduction ratio that considers effects of ultrafiltration and ...
We modified the urea reduction ratio (URR) equation to correct the effects of ultrafiltration and intradialytic urea generation on the delivered dose of hemodialysis: mURR = [1 - (R/ (1 + 2 * UF/BW)) + 0.01 * t] × 100% where mURR is modified URR, R is postdialysis plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) to predialysis PUN ratio, UF is ultrafiltrate volume ...
URR在肾内科是什么意思 - 百度
2023年8月21日 · URR是尿素下降率或尿素清除率的简称,在肾内科通常代表透析患者小分子溶质清除水平。 URR计算方法比较简单,可以通过测量患者透析前、透析后的尿素氮浓度,通过 (透析前尿素氮-透析后尿素氮)/透析前尿素氮得出,能够用来评估患者血液透析的效果。
中国血液透析充分性临床实践指南 - 丁香园 - DXY.cn
2016年6月27日 · 血液透析充分性是指通过血液透析能有效地清除尿毒症患者体内潴留水分和尿毒症毒素,各种并发症得以有效控制,透析过程中患者感觉舒适,患者具有较好的生存质量和一定的社会活动能力。 虽然每次血液透析充分性的好坏能够影响患者生活质量及长期生存率,部分客观数据或指标可以反映长期透析质量水平,并预测患者未来不良预后。 但既往血液透析充分性评价更多关注单次透析的过程,如血清肌酐、尿素氮水平超滤脱水,而影响患者生活质量与长期生存率 …
The urea {clearance × dialysis time} product (Kt) as an outcome …
The normalized treatment ratio [Kt/V = the ratio of the urea {clearance × time} product to total body water] and the urea reduction ratio (URR) have become widely accepted measures of dialysis dose. Both are related to and derived from pharmacokinetic models of blood urea concentration during the dialysis cycle.
A novel method to rapidly calculate the urea clearance index and …
In this study, based on the urea kinetic model, we propose a novel method, which we call the “assessment method” (ASM), to calculate BUN after HD using parameters obtained during HD. The urea nitrogen ratio before and after dialysis can be used in the Kt/V and URR calculations.
Within England and Wales, there has been a year on year increase in dialysis adequacy over the three years of the Registry. The Renal Registry data demonstrate that ‘adequate’ URR results can be achieved. It is hoped that the wide variation in URR achieved in these early cycles of audit of hospital haemodialysis will continue to decrease.
How Does My Doctor Know if Dialysis is Working? - DaVita
The urea reduction ratio (URR) is one way of measuring dialysis adequacy—how much waste is removed by hemodialysis. If you receive hemodialysis three times a week, each treatment should reduce your urea level (also called BUN or blood urea nitrogen) by at least 65 percent. Kt/V, like URR, is a measure of dialysis adequacy.
Prediction equation for calculating residual kidney urea clearance ...
2017年3月15日 · Because dialysis schedules, IDIs, URRs and durations of the urine collection period can be highly variable, here we test the ability of the above equation to predict K RU. Equation-predicted values were compared with those …
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