BD group specs - PostCount.Net
2018年6月21日 · Hi all, Wondering what is the preferred BD spec for group (8) in the typical mid hybrid spirit train (RM, SM, BD)? I've seen the 40 dark 36 supp spec a lot, I suppose it's for max damage while keeping the lich pet. Also, are the Lich and Guardian equivalent, or the lich is superior because of the snare nuke? I could see the spirit debuff from the guardian be useful too. What other specs are ...
DF Diamond seals - PostCount.Net
2015年4月27日 · Are diamond seals still worth something or can you trade them in, for something else? And where can you trade them in? Yes I heard a rumor.
WTB MID [Uthgard money-items on Midgard] - postcount.net
2023年7月27日 · Hey guys all in the title. Im looking for your old midgard stuff! Plats, items, Rog, jewels, weapons, all in the title! Please consider logging and try what you can sell to me! It will cost you 2 min of your time, but can reward you money. Serious offer, i buy with Paypal. Mostly interested in dragon items, and plats! Bye :)
Seeking old Pellinor player(s) - PostCount.Net
2015年10月30日 · I don't think I'd be interested in playing on Uthgard, and I know I wouldn't be interested in playing on the official servers again. I have a definite nostalgia for the game and the people I met playing it, but it's just not in a place worth playing anymore.
Solo warrior sword or hammer - postcount.net
2015年9月26日 · Hey guys. I am currently playing solo warrior sword but I'm seriously considering changing for hammer because of the bonus vs leather classes and some others I mostly fight. Also that 30%ASR on parry looks quite attractive. The thing is that I heard many saying that sword is the best blablabla that hammer lacks DPS etc. Any of you have some inputs on this? Weapon wise 2H doesn't change much ...
How HARD Is Valewalker To Play?? - PostCount.Net
2014年5月25日 · They seem to have all the tools to be amazing but with the Side/Rear styles a must, how hard is it to play one and how rewarding are they? Also curious on how they perform vs sneaks. Would they compete with Vamps on that front? Got one at 49 but i'm terrible at it, need to put in practise. Went 1v1 with a Skald and couldnt land a single style on him. Would also like to know 1) Best Spec for ...
Does piety increase the amount a paladin can heal for?
2016年11月20日 · I just tested this on Pendragon. Items that add piety/acuity to a paladin's piety stat WILL increase the amount of healing done w/ the paladin's single target casted heal. It doesn't affect his insta heal though. 92 piety = 495 healing done 113 piety = 518 healing done It is worth noting, however, that paladins still do not benefit from the cleric acuity buffThanks
Thane spec - PostCount.Net
Just returning to game and kinda starting over so looking for a good thane spec. haven't played in many years so hoping on some guidance. Thanks
sorc template - PostCount.Net
2017年4月26日 · Hi basically posting this to see if anyone can improve it specially the SC ty. - ps I don't use an up to date sc calc so find it easier in game yep. cudgel and small basalt shield for 500 melee ablative/insta snare and powercharges pros : 500 melee ablative/500 magic ablative/2xarrogance charges/ow fumble procs/10%magic resist charge/12% melee resists charge/ow boon/feedback charge or 25% ...
Iso Fading Leaf Aka Miwi.
2016年5月26日 · got my uthgard launcher working nightshade is 20 warden 25 inbox me.