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    Nariaki Utsumi - Kamen Rider Wiki

    • Background
      Nariaki Utsumi was one of the several "Namba Children" orphans adopted by the president of Namba Heavy Industries, Juzaburo Namb… 展开

    Post-Series & Other Events

    During the time where Gentoku Himuro was exiled from Touto, Nariaki Utsumi was held at gunpoint by his former employer and is demanded to turn him into a Kamen Rider. He refused unles… 展开


    Utsumi typically shows a stoic demeanor to the people around him, silently following along Gentoku or Namba's orders. But as the series progressed, Utsumi is shown to be more maniacal than he appears to be. Throughout the s… 展开

    Powers and Abilities

    1. Artificially Enhanced Physiology: After Utsumi was injected with a certain amount of Nebula Gas, his physical condition was enhanced to a certain degree. To be noted that as his Hazar… 展开