Poetry for Worship | UUA.org - Unitarian Universalist Association
WorshipWeb provides meaningful, inspiring resources for Unitarian Universalist (UU) worship services and personal spiritual practice.
Moment of Reflection: A Poem for a Day Like This - uuworld.org
2025年1月14日 · Unitarian Universalism has a long tradition of drawing inspiration and meaning making from poetry and so, the Unitarian Universalist Association brings to you the poem “the butterfly effect” by Rev. Julián Jamaica Soto, which is a part of their poetry collection Spilling the Light, published by Skinner House Books.
A poem... - Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst (UUSA)
2020年11月22日 · A poem some of us recently heard as part of the UUA's Beloved Conversations Virtual! program: https://onbeing.org/poetry/invitation-to-brave-space/
Heliand (Old Saxon) - Genius
Uuas im thes landes uuard 1053 [an fastunnea] fiortig nahto, 1054 manno drohtin, [sô] he thar [mates] ni [antbêt]; 1055 than [langa] ni gidorstun im dernea uuihti, 1056 nîðhugdig fîund ...
Poems as theology – Yet Another Unitarian Universalist
2015年5月15日 · If you happen to be a Unitarian Universalist, which poems by Unitarian Universalists are your theological mainstays? And in the interests of full disclosure, below I’ll list some of the poems by UU poets that influenced me. ——— Sources for UU poems.
UUA Offers the Wisdom and Poetry of Rev. Julián Jamaica Soto on …
2025年1月16日 · Unitarian Universalism has a long tradition of drawing inspiration and meaning making from poetry and so, on this day, the Unitarian Universalist Association brings to you the poem “The Butterfly Effect” by Rev. Julián Jamaica Soto, which is a part of their poetry collection Spilling the Light, published by Skinner House Books.
E.E. Cummings’s ‘firstness’ | UU World Magazine
2015年3月17日 · Among poets of Unitarian Universalist lineage, e.e. cummings may be our laureate. Many UU worship services include his poem “i thank You God for most this amazing,” and virtually anyone who’s jumped in a puddle can appreciate “in Just-”, his celebration of “mud- / luscious” and “puddle-wonderful” spring.
Alternate Activity 2: UUs Working Toward Freedom
One way to do this is by noting Unitarian Universalists who have worked to alleviate society of the ills addressed in the poems in Handouts 1-4. If your group is well informed, you might simply ask them to tell about UUs who worked to end war, racism, mistreatment of animals, or classism.
UU World Magazine
Learn how the First Universalist Church of Denver provided a safe haven for people without housing. Can Climate Change Grief Become ‘Fertile Ground for Possibility’? The Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association – Liberal religion and life.
that the Gospel story in the poem has been somehow rearranged, restructured and gently eased into a more rounded-out nar-rative form.1 The most recent comprehen-sive effort, however, to describe and identify this restructuring has met with failure and has not succeeded in gaining acceptance from scholars in the field. Johannes