Uub - Dragon Ball Wiki
In Dragon Ball GT, Uub transforms from a timid child to a confident warrior after training with Goku for five years. He grows taller, more muscular, and adopts a gi resembling Goku's. His power escalates, allowing him to challenge Goku in combat.
UUB (GT) | Sparking! ZERO Wiki | Fandom
Uub is a young teenager, the pure-hearted reincarnation of the evil Majin Buu, who was trained by Son Goku for 5 years, as depicted in Dragon Ball GT. He was officially confirmed as a playable character during the " GT Character Trailer " released on September 12th, 2024.
Uub/Majuub - Dragon Ball GT Wiki
Uub is a character in Dragon Ball GT who fused with Majin Buu to become Majuub. He makes his Dragon Ball GT debut in "The Return of Uub". Uub has a mohawk kind of hair-style.
Uub - Dragon Ball Updates Wiki
Uub (ウーブ) is an Earthling who is the reincarnation Kid Buu. Due to being the positive reincarnation of the completely evil Kid Buu, his name is a result of reversing "Buu". Uub when first introduced in the Kid Buu Saga, is very timid in his personality, despite his amazing power, becoming frightened at someone's slight expression.
欧布,日本漫画《龙珠》及其衍生作品中的角色, 孙悟空 的直系弟子。 欧布是 小布欧 的转世,他是一个善良的青年,和 布欧先生 融合后成为超级欧布,能力得到了提升 [1]。 孙悟空 在消灭 小布欧 之前,曾经许下心愿,说要和转世成为好人的布欧再次战斗, 阎魔王 记下了悟空的愿望,于是就有了欧布的诞生。 欧布来自偏远的南洋岛,在五个兄弟姐妹中排行老大,时常照顾年幼的弟妹,因为家里十分的穷,所以来参加第28届 天下第一武道会 拿到冠军获得奖金 [3]。 欧布皮肤 …
Uub (Dragon Ball GT) - VS Battles Wiki
Uub (ウーブ, Ūbu?) is a supporting protagonist who appears near the end of the Dragon Ball manga and the anime Dragon Ball Z, and who has a much larger role in the Dragon Ball GT anime. He is the Human reincarnation of Kid Buu.
Uub | Japanese Anime Wiki - Fandom
Uub (ウーブ) is a supporting main character who appears near the end of the Dragon Ball manga, and the anime Dragon Ball Z. Hr has a much larger role in the Dragon Ball GT anime. He is the first Human reincarnation of Kid Buu.
Uub (GT) Character Stats and How to Unlock - Game8
2024年11月12日 · Uub (GT) is a playable character in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Read on to discover the different ways to unlock Uub (GT), along with available accessories, outfits, detailed stats, skills, transformations, and more! You can unlock Uub (GT) by purchasing the character for 60000 Zeni in the shop.
Sparking Zero Meta - Uub (GT) Profile
Character profile breakdown for Uub (GT). Skill 1: Wild Sense, Skill 2: Power Up to the Very Limit, Super 1: Super Kamehameha, Super 2: Blazing Barrage Palm, Ultimate: Super Explosive Wave. View character stats, skills, abilities, and more.
Uub (Dragon Ball GT) - MyAnimeList.net
Uub is a child that was introduced in the World Tournament after Goku defeats Majin Buu. When Buu was killed, Goku wished that he could be reincarnated as a good person so that he could battle with him once again.