From ideal type world cup to personality quizzes covering categories such as KPOP, Gaming, to food. Try creating your own quiz.
Christmas Charity Drive – UwU Market
All food donations will be made in person by UwU Market staff to a local food bank in the Dallas TX area between the dates of Dec. 28th 2024 and Jan 8th 2025. We will deliver the food donations ourselves to ensure we are directly contributing to …
UWU - Take Action on Change.org
One noteworthy petition with thousands of signatures calls for the recognition and normalization of uwu in mainstream media and communication channels. Another petition advocates for the celebration of uwu as a symbol of empathy and compassion in online interactions.
Donate - United Workers Union
UWU acknowledges that we meet and work on the unceded lands of First Nations peoples. We wish to pay respect to their Elders — past and present — and acknowledge the important role all First Nations peoples continue to play within Australia and in our union.
Support UwU Store ️. ko-fi.com/uwustores
Boost UwU Store's page by gifting a Ko-fi Gold Membership with a one-time payment.
UwU电子竞技俱乐部的动态 - 哔哩哔哩
【UwU漫威争锋丨2025冠军杯S1名单公布】 捍卫者:温叙言 @漫威争锋_温叙言 捍卫者:kami @UwUkamI 策略家:clembb @Clembb 策略家:Elsa @Elsa620 决斗家:kaylee @kayleeUwU 决斗家:雷伊 @雷伊_漫威争锋 决斗家:October02 @10020609z 自由人:小火猴 @漫威争锋_小火猴oii 教练:WinWinQ @WinWinQAQ ️UwU全队给大家拜年啦!
donatetcc ... Donatetcc
UwU (Donation) - Roblox
Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play.
Donation Form – United Workers Union
We need to give these workers the support they need to keep fighting this international giant and show them that when workers and the community are united, they are stronger than any big corporation! Your support sends a clear message to General Mills: Respect your workers! Where does the money go?