UY 85, Tube UY85; Röhre UY 85 ID1908, Half-Wave Vacuum Recti ...
Tube UY 85 or Röhre UY85 ID1908, Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
UY85 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The UY85 is a half wave rectifier and would be used on small universal (AC/DC) mains appliances. The heater chain would draw 100 mA and this was to enable the small number of …
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UY85 - Tube Data
UY85 page sheet date 1 1 1970.01 2 2 1970.01 3 FP 1999.07.29. Title: UY85 Author: Philips Created Date: 7/29/1999 10:10:09 PM
Question regarding rectifier tube replacement | diyAudio
2012年11月10日 · I have an old record player here that uses a UY85 as a rectifier, along with 2 UCL85s as the amplifiers. The heaters from these are connected in series, and I'm fairly sure …
UY85 UL84 Amplifier - UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration ...
2013年1月15日 · Although this article deals with modifying a UL84, UY85 record player amplifier for more gain and improved quality it still contains some useful information on amplifiers using …
U Series valves - diyAudio
2019年2月25日 · Has anyone got a list of the U series valves, UCL82, UY85, for example? Also, are these any good for an unusual Hi Fi amplifier? You can easily go through the data sheets …
UY85 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The UY85 half wave rectifier was designed for use across the European mains, as the 100 mA heater suggests. The reservoir capacitor specified is 100 µF and the minimum effective series …
Ucl 82 uy85 - diyAudio
2019年10月26日 · For a stereo version (2x UCL82 - no UY85) a 2x 24V transformer is needed, because the filament supply should rise to 100V and the 200V B+ does provide a little more …
Buy BTB Vertrieb UY 85 Vacuum tube Rectifier 250 V 110 mA …
This setting adapts the product range and prices to your needs. Despite vacuum tubes, valve bases and related accessories haven't been mass-produced for about 35 years, they are, and …
UY85 MAZDA Tube - eBay
2024年7月16日 · The MAZDA UY85 is a single plate rectifier tube highly prized for its ability to provide stable and reliable power supply to the most sophisticated audio systems. Thanks to …