Releases · aquaproj/aqua-installer - GitHub
The bootstrap version is updated to aqua v2.22.0. From this version, aqua supports disabling the verification with Cosign and SLSA Provenance. To disable the verification with Cosign and SLSA Provenance when you install aqua with aqua-installer, please set the environment variables AQUA_DISABLE_COSIGN and AQUA_DISABLE_SLSA.
aqua-installer | aqua - GitHub Pages
aqua-installer installs aqua to the following path. linux, macOS: ${AQUA_ROOT_DIR:-${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/aquaproj-aqua}/bin/aqua; windows: ${AQUA_ROOT_DIR:-$HOME/AppData/Local/aquaproj-aqua}/bin/aqua
Releases · aquaproj/aqua - GitHub
CLI version is switched seamlessly - Releases · aquaproj/aqua Declarative CLI Version manager written in Go. Support Lazy Install, Registry, and continuous update with Renovate.
aquaproj/aqua-installer: Install aqua securely and quickly - GitHub
Install aqua securely and quickly. Contribute to aquaproj/aqua-installer development by creating an account on GitHub.
Install Eclipse Tools - Mainframe DEV
IBM Explorer for z/OS Aqua (or simply Aqua) is a continuous delivery release train platform that brings together a set of Eclipse-based mainframe development tools and offerings in order to provide z/OS application developers and system programmers an easy way to install, deploy and maintain our IBM Eclipse-based products.
如何评价jetbrains新发布的aqua? - 知乎
jetbrains还有个工具叫aqua,听着就不怎么聪明. 看官网视频,一开始以为是把chrome集成到 ide 里,方便写前端代码。 不过仔细看,发现第一部分的视频其实是前端的 自动化测试。 案例是用后端语言给前端做自动化测试,这就不太接地气。 不过大厂应该还是用的上的。 第二部分比较短,是一些小工具,比如类 postman,数据库支持. 第三部分理论上应该是单元测试的支持,但是视频没有. 后两部分让我非常迷惑,因为至少idea里,这些其实都是已经有的功能了,应该就是 …
IBM Explorer for z/OS
IBM Explorer for z/OS V3.0.1 Aqua (z/OS Explorer) is an Eclipse-based integration platform for z/OS users. It enables the integration of a variety of offerings from IBM and other vendors, and in-house development plug-ins. z/OS Explorer is extendable via the IBM repository of compatible products to fulfill each user's roles and responsibilities.
horizon aqua官方下载-Horizon Aqua app下载v3.0.5 安卓版-单 …
2023年11月15日 · horizon aqua是一款移动应用程序,旨在让用户远程控制和管理水族箱内的各种设备,包括led灯、泵、波形制作器、蛋白质skimmer、微藻培养光、水族箱监视、定量泵和进料机。
JetBrains新产品Aqua——自动化测试开发工具(抢鲜体验) - 测试 …
2022年11月13日 · 我们可以直接在Aqua上打开内嵌的浏览器,并使用元素检查器定位元素,还可以将定位到的元素CSS路径和XPath路径直接添加到代码中,从而省去浏览器和编辑器来回切换的麻烦,通过Ctrl+单击鼠标左键代码中元素位置的路径还可以快速在内嵌的浏览器中反向定位出来。
Aqua Elite V3? - Cooling - Linus Tech Tips
2024年12月30日 · So I am looking at AIOs and the Aqua Elite V3 sticks out, its a good price ~$50 USD. But im skeptical of that considering most 3 fan AIOs are $100-$300. Is it a good AIO or should I look elsewhere?
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