V5856 Sagittarii - Wikipedia
V5856 Sagittarii, also known as Nova Sagittarii 2016 Number 4, was the 4th and brightest nova that occurred in the constellation Sagittarius during 2016. It was discovered by the All Sky …
Persistent nuclear burning in Nova Sgr 2016 N.4 (=V5856 Sgr
2022年10月28日 · V5856 Sgr is the source of a strong wind, which is structured into three distinct and variable emission components with FWZI ∼ 3400, FWZI ∼ 1600, and FWHM ∼ 650. The …
[2208.09630] Persistent nuclear burning in Nova Sgr 2016 N.4 (= V5856 …
2022年8月20日 · Abstract: We report on the fast Nova Sgr 2016 N.4 being surprisingly trapped in a long-lasting and bright plateau (Delta I >= 10 mag above quiescence) six years past the …
V5856 Sagittarii/2016: Broad Multiepoch Spectral Coverage of a ...
2022年12月19日 · For V5856 Sgr, a post-outburst CE powered by nuclear reactions on the WD surface that drive mass loss may explain why (a) its emission lines show no perceptible radial …
synchrotron emission are visible in the radio data of V5856 Sgr, which is characterized by no early peak and a low brightness temperature, actually one of the lowest on record.
Persistent nuclear burning in Nova Sgr 2016 N.4 (=V5856 Sgr
We report on the fast Nova Sgr 2016 N.4 being surprisingly trapped in a long-lasting and bright plateau (ΔI≥10 mag above quiescence) six years past the nova eruption. Very few other novae …
Persistent nuclear burning in Nova Sgr 2016 N.4 (= V5856 Sgr…
The spectra of V5856 Sgr during the plateau indeed provide evidence for a sustained wind blowing off the central star, as illustrated by the high-resolution profiles for selected emission …
V5856 Sgr Main - astro.sunysb.edu
V5856 Sgr ASASSN-16ma. Atlas Home updated: 2022 Jul 26. Coordinates: R.A. 18 20 52.083 Dec. -28 22 13.44 Discovery Date: 2016 Oct 26.38. Adopted T 0: JD 2457687.883 Age at …
Swift observations and continued spectroscopy/photometry of nova V5856 …
2021年8月30日 · The three UVOT filters UVW1, UVM2 and UVW2 were used, with exposure times 431 s, 382 s and 382 s, respectively; V5856 Sgr was detected in all bands at Vega …
Light curves and color curves of V5856 Sgr in 2021-22
Nova V5856 Sagittarii is unique for having remained more than nine magnitudes above its pre-outburst brightness for more than 6 yr. Extensive visible and infrared (IR) spectra from the time …