乳腺组织标记物 SenoMark™ Ultra Breast Tissue Marker - BD
乳腺真空辅助微创活检(vab)专用金属标记物,兼容多品牌旋切针 3mm金属标记物,添加PVA(聚乙烯醇)材质,超声下增强显影 内置3个PGA(聚乙醇酸)衬垫,12周可被人体吸收,有效填充活检后空腔,防止标记物位移
These clinical studies find that Mammotome VAB devices accurately sample tissue, improve patient outcomes, and had equivalent or less pain ratings as compared to 14G core needle devices.
Vacuum-assisted breast biopsy for breast cancer - PMC
Compared to 14G needles, 11G needles can obtain three times more tissue. VABB has a superior ability to obtain fatty breast tissues compared to traditional core biopsies. Additionally, biopsy by using VABB is possible in otherwise potentially problematic situations, such as in patients who have undergone plastic surgeries and have synthetic ...
Accuracy and underestimation of malignancy of breast core
We present the accuracy of breast CNB from a consecutive series of 4035 core biopsies, using methods that minimise selection and verification bias. We calculate accuracy and underestimation of malignancy for both automated (14G) and directional vacuum-assisted (11G) CNB performed under stereotactic or sonographic guidance.
SenoMark™ Ultra Breast Tissue Marker - BD
SenoMark™ Ultra Breast Tissue Marker is everything you're looking for in a breast tissue marker: With each purchase of the Heart, Venus or Ring breast tissue marker shapes, BD will contribute $1 to the American Cancer Society™ in honor of breast cancer patients.*
Accuracy and Underestimation of Malignancy of Breast Core
2006年7月6日 · We calculate accuracy and underestimation of malignancy for both automated (14G) and directional vacuum-assisted (11G) CNB performed under stereotactic or sonographic guidance. Overall sensitivity of CNB is 94.2% (92.9–95.5%) and specificity is 88.1% (86.6–89.6%), positive and negative predictive values are 84.8% (82.9–86.7%) and 95.6% ...
麦默通作为全球领先的乳腺活检及微创手术领导者,始终致力于推动乳腺疾病微创与活检技术的创新,研发出多项专利技术。 如今,我们在全球超过50个国家和地区提供乳腺诊疗技术服务,惠及千万女性。
Effect of needle size on outcomes of vacuum-assisted excision of …
VAE can be performed guided by stereotactic mammography , ultrasonography or even magnetic resonance with needle sizes varying from 7G (3.8 mm) to 11G (2.4 mm) .
Factors associated with upgrading to malignancy at surgery of …
2011年2月1日 · Most biopsies at Saint-Sacrement hospital were performed using 11G VAB (71.3%). Histological results showed severe ADH in 20.9% of cases. ADH was diagnosed alone in 79.8% of cases and was co-diagnosed with lobular neoplasia or papilloma in 15.2% and 5.0% of cases, respectively.
真空辅助乳腺活检(VABB) - 海外诊断 - GSD - International
真空辅助活检(通常称为麦默通,源于用于执行该操作的第一个手柄的商品名)是一种先进的乳腺穿刺活检技术,相比于普通穿刺活检可采集更多组织学样本。 与传统穿刺活检相比,此系统可采集更多乳腺组织,每次采集时无需取下活检针,因为组织碎块可以被吸入容器内,然后在操作结束时一起收集。 此技术用于乳腺X线摄影(乳腺立体定向或断层摄影)或磁共振成像(MRI)引导下的采样,针对仅通过这些技术可见的病变,例如仅在乳腺X线摄影中可见的微钙化区域。 有时也 …