Face Masks | VBM Medizintechnik GmbH
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Bi-Mask | VBM Medizintechnik GmbH
The Bi-Mask is a face mask made of silicone with integrated plastic shell. This supports a comfortable grip, as the mask is malleable and yet provides stability without collapse. Due to the anatomical shape, the Bi-Mask provides an airtight seal with minimum pressure and the ergonomical design allows an optimised grip via C-grip.
Endoscopy Mask | VBM Medizintechnik GmbH
Allows endoscopy and simultaneous ventilation during fiberoptic intubation, bronchoscopy and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The administration of analgesic gases during endoscopic procedures improves patient comfort and the quality of the procedure (1,2). It prevents hypoventilation and desaturation for increased patient safety.
VBM Medical Endoscopy Masks - Medline
VBM Medical Endoscopy Masks Manufacturer: VBM MEDICAL. View Full Image. Scroll to Top ...
The Bi-Mask is a face mask made of silicone with integrated plastic shell. This supports a comfortable grip, as the mask is malleable and yet provides stability without collapse. Due to the anatomical shape, the Bi-Mask provides an airtight seal with minimum pressure and the ergonomical design allows an optimised grip via C-grip.
BVM Mask - Disposable - Select Size - Medical Warehouse
Cushion Face Masks feature no-valve construction providing extended shelf life without deflation, extremely pliable bladder for excellent sealing, and clear cone for patient assessment. Available in 6 sizes, Neonate through Large Adult. A must to comply with state guidelines where multiple mask sizes are required.
1. Select the appropriate mask size (see table). 2. Press the mask to the face of the patient forming a good seal. Mask with inflatable cushion: if neces-sary, inflate or deflate the cushion using a syringe. 3. Hold the mask with the hand. Option: fix the mask with a harness and hook ring. SUMMARy TABlE Size Mask without colour coding
Offers ideal seal via individual adjustment to the shape of the face.
"維比摩"氧氣面罩, 英文品名 "VBM" Face Mask - 醫療器材許可證 …
中文品名:"維比摩"氧氣面罩,英文品名:"VBM" Face Mask,許可證字號:衛署醫器輸壹字第002825號,有效日期:2011/03/07,註銷狀態:已註銷,註銷日期:2012/11/15,註銷理由:許可證已逾有效期,許可證種類:09,效能:氧氣面罩是一種置于患者鼻口或氣切口上以供應氧氣或 ...
"維比摩"氧氣面罩, 英文品名 "VBM" Face Mask, 許可證字號 - 醫療 …
"VBM" Face Mask: 效能: 氧氣面罩是一種置于患者鼻口或氣切口上以供應氧氣或氣溶膠之器材。 劑型 (空) 包裝 (空) 醫器主類別一: D 麻醉科學: 醫器次類別一 (空) 醫器主類別二 (空) 醫器次類別二 (空) 醫器主類別三 (空) 醫器次類別三 (空) 主成分略述 (空) 醫器規格
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