B1 Centauro - Wikipedia
The 30-ton Centauro II is based on the Freccia chassis with a two-man turret and a 120 mm gun. Additional improvements include a digital communication system, a 720 hp engine delivering 24 hp/ton, and wheels extending farther out from the hull for greater stability and better protection against mine blasts.
VBM-2 Series - O.M.B. srl Italia - ombvibrators.com
The three-phase VBM-2 motor vibrator is equipped with a power supply cable 1 metre long. The VBM-2 miniature vibrator has been developed for applications requiring extremely compact overall dimensions.
Quicktrach | VBM Medizintechnik GmbH
We offer the Quicktrach II for adults (cannula 4 mm I.D.). For single use, sterile. By pushing the cannula forward, the safety clip engages and the needle tip disappears into the cannula to prevent trauma. Enables efficient ventilation with aspiration protection.
QUICKTRACH II Cricothyrotomy Device - Life-Assist
2021年9月15日 · QUICKTRACH II Cricothyrotomy Device Quick airway access is made possible with a one-step procedure, no scalpel needed. The sterile sets are pre-assembled and Life-Assist Alert Change!
VBM-2_OMB微型振动器 - eawon.cn
2024年5月10日 · 微型振动器VBM-2为需要非常紧凑尺寸的应用而制造。 型号:VBM-2M、VBM-2T. 【申明】:本公司作为进出口产品销售的公司诚意提供以下产品,但是我们绝非此品牌在中国的办事处,分公司或者总代理。 请和我们一起坚守诚信经营,互利共赢,拒绝虚假宣传! 本站点所有页面以及产品图片内容未经我司允许不得拷贝盗用,如所发布产品图片牵涉到版权问题,请及时联系告知我们。 微型振动器VBM-2为需要非常紧凑尺寸的应用而制造。 型号:VBM-2M …
电动执行器振动马达 - VBM-2 series - O.M.B. srl - 旋转 / 微型 / 直流
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供电动执行器振动马达产品详细信息。规格型号:VBM-2 series,公司品牌:O.M.B. srl。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选电动执行器振动马达产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
Vibration motor with electric actuator VBM-2 series
Find out all of the information about the O.M.B. srl product: vibration motor with electric actuator VBM-2 series. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
Le minivibrateur VBM-2 a été réalisé pour applications qui requièrent un encombrement extrêmement réduit. 微型振动器VBM-2是为那些需要 极其紧凑的整体尺寸的应用而 实现的。 ALIMENTAZIONE MONOFASE con esecuzioni standard a: 220-230V 50Hz e 110-115V 60Hz. TRIFASE MONOTENSIONE con esecuzioni standard a 230V 50Hz o ...
VBM Quicktrach II – SedationKit.com
Specially ground needle tip makes prior incision via scalpel unnecessary and reduces the risk of bleeding. Stopper prevents the needle from being inserted too deep to reduce the risk of posterior tracheal wall perforation. Necktape allows a fast and safe fixation. Quickest airway access via the one-step procedure.
VBM Quicktrach II Application Video EN - Vimeo
The Quicktrach II from VBM is a set for percutaneous cricothyrotomy according to the catheter-over-needle technique.