SION Vacuum Circuit-Breakers 3AE - Siemens
Configure your SION now! SION vacuum circuit breakers control all standard switching tasks in medium-voltage distribution systems.
紧凑型设计适用于7.2-24kV的任何开关柜,电气参数最大40kA、3150A;模块化设计使安装简单化,接线灵活化,可选的相距及极距满足各种特殊需要;机电寿命可达30,000次,在正常工况下,10,000 操作次数内免维护;革新的绝缘设计和新材料的应用提高了绝缘强度,12kV真空断路器更适合中国电力系统的技术标准和全绝缘运行工况的要求;完善迅捷的技术支持并能提供专家级的解决方案。 模块化设计使安装简单化,接线灵活化,可选的相距及极距满足各种特殊需要;最新开发的操作机构,人性 …
Use lifting gear, transporting and sling gear suited to the requirements and load-carrying capacity. Observe transport symbols. Refer to the delivery slip for the weight of the transport unit. For transport, no more than three constructionally identical transport units must be …
中低压配电-下载中心 - 西门子中国
2009年11月1日 · 3ae-sion 真空断路器系列 3110-d906507-03188 2018-05-28 13.46mb 下载: 3111 3ae-sion 40.5kv真空断路器: mvc 断路器 ...
Product Details - Industry Mall - Siemens WW
2025年3月1日 · Product: Article Number (Market Facing Number) 3AE5185-2AE40-0EN2: Product Description: Vacuum Circuit-Breaker, SION 3AE5, 12kV, 31.5kA, 1250A, pole-center distance 210mm, Vertical Distance between Terminals 310mm, secondary equipment: operating cycle counter 2 position switches for signal closing spring charged closing solenoid 1st shunt release voltage of closing solenoid DC 110V voltage of ...
SION 真空断路器 - Siemens CN
SION 真空断路器:高可靠、紧凑设计的中压配电系统解决方案,适用7.2-40.5 kV电压范围,易于安装和维护。
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3AE-SION 真空断路器系列
3ae-sion真空断路器是西门子结合三十多年的真空产品设计和运行经验并针对中国电力市场开发和生产的最新的一代产品。 融合了德国的最新科技,代表了真空开关的最新发展方向。
3AE - Industry Mall - Siemens USA
2025年2月1日 · Siemens Industry Catalog - Energy - Electrical Services - Spare Parts Services, kits and packages - Medium Voltage - IEC_Switchgear - VCB (Vacuum Circuit Breaker) - 3AE
SIEMENS 3AE VCB | 3AE Vacuum Circuit Breakers - Reliserv
Siemens 3AE VCB refers to a series of vacuum circuit breakers manufactured by Siemens. The 3AE series is designed for medium-voltage applications and is known for its reliable performance and advanced features.
Vacuum circuit breaker SION 3AE Series - DirectIndustry
Find out all of the information about the Siemens Medium-voltage – Power distribution product: vacuum circuit breaker SION 3AE Series . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.