Panels and alignment - VCL - Delphi-PRAXiS [en]
2023年3月10日 · Try placing the 5 panels above (left aligned) and resizing the "FlowPanel" to different sizes, including changing the "FlowStyle" to whatever others... First, you may not be able to keep all the sub-panels left-aligned (like the sample above), as the "FlowPanel" will have its own alignment rule!
VCL组件之TPanel - pchmonster - 博客园
2012年1月28日 · Panel组件的大部分功能在于其Align属性。 例如,想显示标题在窗体上端,更进一步假设想让它在中央,不管用户怎样设置窗口尺寸,只需设置Align属性为alTop及Alignment属性为taCenter,这样标题总是在中央的,就是这么简单。
Delphi XE2 新控件 布局Panel TGridPanel TFlowPanel - lypzxy - 博 …
2015年10月10日 · TFlowPanel的效果图,里边是panel,左侧是TCategoryButtons,搜索框是TButtonedEdit. panel作为卡片。 设置每个子panel属性即可。 pnl.AlignWithMargins:=true,panel.Margins.Top:=20; 左右上下的边距设定就可以了。 TGridLayou:表格,自动排列容器里的控件,控件大小相同可自定义大小,设定后全部控件大小相同且不变,x行y列,行数列列数根据控件大小变动。 …
Vcl.ExtCtrls.TPanel - RAD Studio API Documentation
TPanel implements a generic panel control. Use TPanel to put an empty panel on a form. Panels have properties for providing a beveled border around the control, as well as methods to help manage the placement of child controls embedded in the panel.
New VCL Panels in Delphi 10.2.2 - marcocantu.com
2017年12月14日 · With the need to support more screen resolutions, while creating nice looking user interfaces and pleasant user experiences, we think it is important to offer additional ways to build the UI of your VCL applications. This is why in 10.2.2 we …
New VCL Panels in Delphi 10.2.2 - Embarcadero RAD Studio, …
2017年12月14日 · With the need to support more screen resolutions, while creating nice looking user interfaces and pleasant user experiences, we think it is important to offer additional ways to build the UI of your VCL applications. This is why in 10.2.2 we …
TdxPanel Class | VCL | DevExpress Documentation
This control is a general-purpose panel with a customizable frame appearance and an ability to drag borders at runtime. You can use this panel to create resizable areas on a form without double borders and dedicated splitter controls. Use the …
Delphi XE2 新控件 布局Panel TGridPanel TFlowPanel - 51CTO博客
TFlowPanel的效果图,里边是panel,左侧是TCategoryButtons,搜索框是TButtonedEdit. panel作为卡片。 设置每个子panel属性即可。 pnl.AlignWithMargins:=true,panel.Margins.Top:=20; 左右上下的边距设定就可以了。 TGridLayou:表格,自动排列容器里的控件,控件大小相同可自定义大小,设定后全部控件大小相同且不变,x行y列,行数列列数根据控件大小变动。 http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/33421. TButtonGroup.
dxPanel Unit | VCL | DevExpress Documentation
Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release. The base class for the TdxPanel component. A resizable panel.
best way to display a list of panels? - VCL - Delphi-PRAXiS [en]
2020年8月30日 · My solution to something like this was to create a frame which contains only one row. Add basic functionality, like a grip and the resize code, initialization method, validation method, etc. Create as many variants as descendants of said frame as needed to handle different input / visual needs.