VDI Numbers for Various Rings and Collectible Coins - The Legend ...
2022年7月18日 · Learning a new metal detector or upgrading to a new metal detector, see VDI Numbers for various gold rings and other jewlery as well collectible coins for The Legend, Equinox, Apex & AT Pro
Legend Vdis Gold Jewelry/aluminum Trash - Nokta Legend Forum ...
2022年4月29日 · Luckily, the Legend has good, consistent target IDs that stay quite accurate down to 7" depth on these targets in my bad dirt (aside from the tiny gold stuff at 11/12). That may also be the same or even better in your soil/sand conditions.
Legend Vdi's - Nokta Legend Forum - DetectorProspector.com
2023年1月21日 · The Legend was in the stock Park program, and the coins were moved across the coil at a distance of about 3 inches. Some of these coins were dug but most were not, and they vary in condition from Fine to Mint State.
Nokta Makro Legend U.S. Coin Vid Scale - Nokta Legend Forum ...
2022年1月1日 · Have you had time to compare the VDI's using the Multi of the different modes? Also multi vs the single frequencies of a mode, I'm trying to write up some potential Tone breaks & notches for Customized profiles. Also wondering how each mode's Multi might be weighted to higher or lower end.
Metal Detecting VDI’s: Nokta The Legend and Garrett ACE Apex VDI …
2023年5月12日 · A VDI, or Visual Discrimination Indicator, is a number your metal detector translates different types of metal to in numerical values. These values are produced by the target’s properties and size. Non-ferrous, or items that do not contain iron, usually register as a higher VDI value than a Ferrous iron item.
VDI Number Chart ? - The Nokta Legend Forum - Metal Detecting
2022年10月13日 · Would anyone be able to put me onto a VDi number chart for the Legend - have found the numbers relating to the Simplex but not on the Legend. Thank you.
Makro Legend US Coin VDI actual 'in the ground' numbers
2019年12月19日 · The following VDI numbers have been witnessed while operating the Legend in the canned 'boot-up' mode, ... no adjustments, full (30) sensitivity, 1v05...
#noktalegend #noktamakro #legendvdichart #legendmetaldetector I test most of the U.S. coins and some silver and gold rings to put together a VDI guide for the Nokta Legend. At the end of the...
Nokta Makro Legend: You Are LOSING GOLD! - iratedetectors.com
2022年4月20日 · The problem is, that the Nokta Legend notches out numbers 1-11 whenever the machine is turned on and it is an extremely viable gold VDI number. (See below) Although well intended, Nokta advises that, "aluminum foil typically generates a Target ID of 11" and "depending on the shape, its ID can go up to 20.
Nokta The Legend Metal Detector Tips and Best Settings - Focus …
2024年4月24日 · The Legend metal detector by Nokta is an excellent machine for the price. Its build, quality, and tech put it in the class of the Minelab Equinox line and XP Deus and Deus II. A multi-frequency detector for detecting parks, relics, beaches, and gold prospecting. From easy-to-understand stock settings or very customizable settings, The Legend…