BMD-4 - Wikipedia
The vehicle was designed to transport Russian Airborne Troops (VDV), increasing its mobility, armament, and protection on the battlefield. [3] Many aspects of the vehicle, such as the ergonomics and positioning of the passengers, remain relatively unchanged. Primary differences between the BMD-4 and its predecessors lie in its armament.
Russian Airborne Forces - Wikipedia
The Russian Airborne Forces (Russian: Воздушно-десантные войска России, ВДВ, romanized: Vozdushno- desantnye voyska Rossii, VDV) is the airborne separate combat arm of the Russian Armed Forces.
俄羅斯空降軍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
俄罗斯空降軍(俄语: Возду́шно-деса́нтные войска́ ,羅馬化: Vozdushno-desantnye voyska 、縮寫:ВДВ,羅馬化:VDV)是俄罗斯联邦武装力量中一个和陆海空三军并列的独立军种,執行空降作戰,直接受空降軍司令官指挥,由數個空降師、旅組成,是 ...
BMD-4M Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2016年7月13日 · The BMD-4M armoured infantry fighting vehicle was developed by Volgograd Tractor Plant and the Tula KBP Instrument Design Bureau. It is the modernised variant of the BMD-4 airborne combat vehicle. The upgraded IFV vehicle has a length of 6m, width of 3.15m and height of 2.7m.
俄军轻重型空降兵分别装备什么? - 知乎
ВДВ作战连往上就是营级军事单位,一个空降营带着至少3个连+营指挥部组成BTG,指挥官的军衔一般是中校(Подполковник)。 营级军事单位往上扩展就是团,单个俄军空降兵团管辖的主力营级单位数量:3-6,由一名校级军官指挥,再往上走是旅,单个俄军空降兵旅可由多个团或者营级军事单位组成。 旅长的军衔一般是上校(Полковник)。 除此之外,ВДВ狙击小组以双人形式组队(包括在基层的作战小队内),一个主射手搭配一个观察手,在前线活动的ВДВ以单个小队或 …
Airborne Assault Troops [VDV] - Organization - GlobalSecurity.org
2024年8月30日 · Air defense and automatic grenade launcher platoons within battalions use the BMD M1979/1. The BMD-1 KSh serves as a command vehicle at battalion and regimental headquarters. By adding the...
BMD-4 (BMD-3M) Airborne Infantry Fighting Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
The BMD-4 is the latest modification of an armored combat vehicle that can be para-dropped into situations to provide firepower and support for airborne troops.
Airborne Assault Troops [VDV] - Airborne Equipment - GlobalSecurity.org
2024年8月30日 · The BMD is responsible for the greatest improvement in airborne combat capability, The BMD is an air-droppable, amphibious assault vehicle with armament similar to that of the HMY found in...
BMD-4 (2004) - tank-afv.com
The BMD-4 for Boyevaya Mashina Desanta-4 or "Combat Vehicle of the Airborne" is so far the latest infantry fighting vehicle of the Russian airborne (VDV), planned to succeed to the BMD-3 in service since 1990.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The vehicle was designed to transport Russian Airborne Troops (VDV); increasing its mobility, armament, and protection on the battlefield. Many components of the vehicle, such as the ergonomics...