Paratroopers' Day - Wikipedia
Airborne Forces Day (Russian: День Воздушно-десантных войск) also known as Paratroopers' Day (Russian: День десантника) is a professional military holiday observed in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, celebrated on 2 August annually. [1] It was formerly celebrated in the Soviet Union until its collapse in 1991.
Russian Airborne Forces - Wikipedia
The Russian Airborne Forces (Russian: Воздушно-десантные войска России, ВДВ, romanized: Vozdushno- desantnye voyska Rossii, VDV) is the airborne separate combat arm of the Russian Armed Forces.
Russia's 'Paratrooper Day' Is World's Wildest Veterans Party - Military.com
2020年10月16日 · Every year on Aug. 2, cities across the former Soviet Union celebrate the birth of Russia's paratrooper corps for a holiday that's like St. Patrick's Day meets Veterans Day. For active and...
俄羅斯空降軍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
维亚济马空降战役 (俄语:Вяземская воздушно-десантная операция) (1942年1月18日-2月28日),苏联空降兵第4军军长列瓦绍夫少将率第8旅、第9旅和第214旅,第一批次在在 维亚济马 西南的奥泽列奇尼亚6个昼夜空降了第8旅2500余人,但只能集结起来746人。 第二批次在 尤赫诺夫 以西的热拉尼耶游击区,以41架帕埃斯-84型和23架特伯-3型飞机6个夜间空降7373名伞兵以配合苏军第50集团军的进攻,2月22日伞降时军长列瓦绍夫座机被击中未及跳伞即牺牲,由军参 …
The Mischief and Mayhem of Russian Paratroopers' Day
2020年8月3日 · Some paratroopers choose to deck out their fluffy comrades in their signature blue-and-white striped shirts and blue berets. On this day, it's tradition to use the toast "Za VDV!" ("To the...
On this day: Russia celebrates Airborne Forces Day
2017年8月2日 · Paratroopers Day Celebration in St.Petersburg. The Russian Airborne Troops, also known as VDV, was formed before WWII. The first airborne forces parachute jump took place on Aug. 2, 1930 in...
Soviet Airborne Forces - Wikipedia
The Airborne Forces (Воздушно-десантные войска (ВДВ), literal translation: Air-Landing Troops) of the Soviet Union and their present-day Russian Federation successor are a separate combat service directly subordinated to the General Staff.
[Event] Russian Airborne Forces Day! - News - War Thunder
2021年8月2日 · Until 07:00 GMT on the 4th of August. Participate in 3 battles using Soviet vehicles of rank II or higher (with an in-game activity of at least 60%) to receive one of the following decals “ Small emblem of Airborne forces”, “Emblem of …
俄罗斯空降部队(VDV)战斗序列 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2月28日,在克里米亚和叙利亚立下过赫赫战功的该师前师长、身上挂着14枚奖章的时任41集副军长Andrei Sukhovetsky少将在基辅方向身先士卒,被乌纳狙击手击中,壮烈牺牲。 之后该师参与了赫尔松右岸的一系列战役。 其中,第247团的狼牙棒在9月初因 古列茨河反攻战 中被乌纳天灵盖磨穿,团长Konstantin Zizevsky壮烈殉国,该团被乌纳宣传为满门忠烈。 同月108团团长Vitaly Sukuev英勇牺牲,10月初副团长Alexander Lopin殉职。 该师残部于11月为了释放善意,撤离 …
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