临床视觉诱发电位标准 - 中华眼科杂志
视觉诱发电位(visual evoked potential,VEP)是指视网膜受到视觉刺激后在大脑枕叶视皮层诱发的电位活动。 视皮层电位活动主要由中央视野激活。 VEP依赖整个视觉通路的功能完整性,包括眼球、视网膜、视神经、视放射和枕叶视皮层。 本文更新了国际临床视觉电生理学会(International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision,ISCEV)临床VEP检测标准,并取代了2009年的临床VEP标准 [ 1 ]。 与之前的标准相比,本标准的主要变化:(1)认可各种可 …
给大家科普一下图形视觉诱发电位(P-VEP) - 百家号
Lateral Geniculate Body Evoked Potentials Elicited by Visual and ...
2014年7月22日 · Data were collected from the animal and consistent positive potentials were obtained for VEP (P75) and for EEPs of the intraorbital optic nerve (P70), optic tract (P37), and LGB (P36). For a control, we performed VEP in a normal left eye (Fig. 3A). An anesthesia effect was observed on VEPs after anesthesia in the right eye (Fig. 3B). The ...
vep检查报告怎么看 - 百度文库
vep检查是一项无创性、无痛苦、无辐射危害的眼部检查,也是一种在神经系统疾病诊断中常用的指标之一。 该检查通过电生理技术记录脑内对视觉刺激的反应,可检测是否存在视觉损害和神经病变。
视觉诱发电位检查 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
VEP主要看大约100ms出现的正相波,命名为P100。 P100前后分别有 N75 及 N145 的负相波。 P100可以是向下的正相波,也可以是W形状的双峰波。 “W”形的P100潜伏时为其升支和降支延长线的交点(如下图),其波幅为N75波峰到P100波峰之间的距离。 VEP结果主要观察 各波是否分化良好,P100潜伏时是否在正常范围内,P100波幅有无明显异常。 VEP波形消失;P100潜伏时延长;P100波幅降低;P100潜伏时和波幅均异常。 当视神经出现 脱髓鞘 改变的时候,常导致 …
Sensitivity and specificity of visual evoked potentials for early ...
2022年10月1日 · The sensitivity of VEP for detecting MS is very high in nearly all published series (75%–90%). In our study, sensitivity was found to be slightly higher (92.86%). In the case of NMO and CIS, VEP presented very low sensitivity (16.66% and 18.18%, respectively), which we believe is linked to the small size of the sample.
Identification of the neural sources of the pattern-reversal VEP
2005年2月1日 · The VEP elicited by a reversing pattern (e.g., checkerboard) is characterized by an initial negative component peaking at around 75 ms after the reversal (N75) followed by a positive component at around 100 ms (P100) and a second negativity at around 145 ms (N145) (Halliday, 1993). As with the pattern-onset VEP, the neural generators of the ...
ISCEV standard for clinical visual evoked potentials: (2016 …
2016年7月21日 · Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) can provide important diagnostic information regarding the functional integrity of the visual system. This document updates the ISCEV standard for clinical VEP testing and supersedes the 2009 standard.
Visual Evoked Potentials - SpringerLink
2020年2月15日 · This chapter discusses flash-induced visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials (PRVEPs), their clinical utility, method of acquisition, and standard recording protocol. It describes the major components of flash VEP and PRVEP,...
Typical VEP waveform showing amplitude (lV) and latency at N75 …
Download scientific diagram | Typical VEP waveform showing amplitude (lV) and latency at N75-P100 (ms) for the standard full-field stimulus. Crosses are placed at the response peak (P100) and ...
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