VF-142 - Wikipedia
VF-142 Ghostriders was a US Navy fighter squadron established on 24 August 1948 as VF-193, it was redesignated VF-142 on 15 October 1963, and disestablished on 30 April 1995. VF-193 F2H-3s on USS Oriskany in 1955. A VF-193 F3H-2 on the catapult of USS Bon Homme Richard, 1961.
VF-142, the Ghostriders - Military Aircraft Historian
VF-142 began life as VF-193 on August 24, 1948 flying the Grumman F8F Bearcat. They were first assigned to the USS Yorktown (CVA-10). They switched to the F4U-4 Corsair in 1950 and did two deployments during the Korean War aboard the USS Princeton (CV-37), with the last tour in 1952. In 1953 they transitioned to the F2H-3 Banshee.
The history of VF-142 Ghostriders Squadron USN
VF-142 flew overland and over-water missions in several highly successful NATO exercises with Spanish, French and Tunisians. The squadron flew over 1200 sorties totaling 2500 hours during a six month deployment. Following a brief stand down period, VF-142 commenced preparation for the Fleet Fighter Air Combat Maneuvering Readiness Program.
VF-142 Ghostriders - Anft
VF-142 flew overland and over-water missions in several highly successful NATO exercises with SPanish, French and Tunisians. The squadron flew over 1200 sorites totaling 2500 hours during a six month deployment. Following a brief standdown period, VF-142 commenced preparation for the Fleet Fighter Air Combat Maneuvering Readiness Programm.
VF-142 Squadron History - topedge.com
VF-142 has the unique distinction of being the first F-14 Tomcat squadron to win the Battle 'E', during the late 1970's. In April/May of 1989 the squadron became one of those lucky enough to upgrade to the F-14A+ (now F-14B) Tomcat.
VF-142 Ghostriders fighter squadron FITRON ONE FOUR TWO
Fighter Squadron 142 (FITRON 142) VF-142 ‘Ghostriders’ STATUS: images . history . patches | seaforces.org | US Navy Air Units start page |
A medical examination similar to a high school sports physical is required for all cadet applicants to the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) or Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC). No one will be denied admission to the NSCC/NLCC due to a medical disability.
VF-142“鬼骑士”中队 - TOMCAT521.COM
90 年 8 月 8 日, vf-142 跟随艾森豪威尔威尔一起穿越苏伊士运河到达红海,参加反对伊拉克入侵科威特的沙漠之盾行动。 整个红海战斗群在 F-14B 的巡航飞行中得到了有效保护,幽灵骑士飞行了 2300 小时, 1200 次着舰。
Uriah Levy & VF-142 | Proceedings - May 2007 Vol. 133/5/1,251
vf-142 Fighter Squadron 142 (VF-142) was established on 24 August 1948 at NAS Alameda, California, as VF-193. Equipped with F8F-2 Bearcat fighters, VF-193 deployed to the Western Pacific (WestPac) on the USS Boxer (CV-21), which returned home just before the June 1950 North Korean invasion of South Korea.
VF-142 - wings-aviation.ch
History . 28. August 1948: VF-193 Established at NAS : 15. October 1963: VF-193 was redesignated VF-142: 30. April 1995: VF-142 Disestablished at NAS