VFA-31 - Wikipedia
VFA-31 or Strike Fighter Squadron 31 is known as the Tomcatters, callsign "Felix", a United States Navy strike fighter squadron stationed at Naval Air Station Oceana flying the F/A-18E Super Hornet. The Tomcatters are the second-oldest Navy Fighter Attack squadron operating today. The squadron was originally known as the Shooting Stars.
VF-31 Tomcatters Fighter SquadronTomcat US Navy - Seaforces
VFA-31, originally established as VF-1B on July 1, 1935 flying the Boeing F4B, is the second oldest active US Navy squadron behind VFA-14 (1919). On 1 July 1937, the squadron combined with VF-8B and was redesignated VF-6, flying the Grumman F3F.
VF-31 (VFA-31) the Tomcatters - Military Aircraft Historian
VF-31 (VFA-31) is the second oldest active US Navy squadron, topped only by VF-14, the Tophatters. The squadron started out on July 1, 1935, as VF-1B, the Shooting Stars, flying the Boeing F4B. Shown below is an F4B-4 (A9029) on display at the Naval Air Museum on the grounds of NAS Pensacola.
Squadron History - United States Navy
VFA-31 deployed onboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) for its first F/A-18E Super Hornet cruise in 2008. The Tomcatters dominated the skies above Afghanistan flying over 6,000 hours and 2,000...
VF-31 Squadron History - topedge.com
At sixty-one years of age VF-31 is the second oldest continuously active US Navy aircraft squadron. Originally established as VF-1B on 1st July 1935 the squadron received it's current designation in August 1948. While there had previously been other VF-31's there was no direct link between them and today's VF-31.
vf-31 - 百度百科
vf-31是动漫《超时空要塞》中的登场机体,以YF-30柯罗诺斯为基础开发的量产机。 系列机体编号有S,F,E,C,J,A,B。 负责战术音乐组合“女武神”的护卫支援任务的“德尔塔小队”配属S,F,E,C,J五种前掠翼型号,机体代号“Siegfried”;其他型号为一般机,代号“Kairos”。
VFA 31 - United States Navy
Welcome to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 31 website! Located onboard Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia. The Tomcatters, callsign "Felix" report operationally to Commander, Carrier Air Wing...
第31战斗攻击机中队 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
VFA-31 (英語: VFA-31 or Strike Fighter Squadron 31)或称 第31战斗攻击机中队,绰号:雄猫,是 美国 的一支驻扎于 弗吉尼亚州 奥西安纳海军航空站 的 美国海军 的 攻击 战斗机 中队。 目前正在使用的作战 飞机 为 F/A-18E超级大黄蜂战斗攻击机,其通信呼号兼昵称为“菲力克斯”。 这支“雄猫”中队是迄今为止美国海军现今服役的中队中第二古老的海军攻击战斗机中队。 Template:Wikipedia books美国海军航空中队. 一架隶属VF-31的F-4J“鬼怪II”准备降落在 萨拉托 …
美海军“雄猫”第31战斗机中队(FITRON 31)(超详细影像志)
2023年2月24日 · F-14D雄猫 (VF-31)于2006年9月29日在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥北岛海军航空站完成最后一次飞行。 服役36年后,雄猫被F/A-18E/F 超级大黄蜂取代. Lt. Danny O'Hara 是第31战斗机中队“雄猫”F-14飞行员,于2006年9月29日完成雄猫最后一次飞行-加利福尼亚州北岛海军航空站. F-14D雄猫 (VF-31/CVW-8)在弗吉尼亚NAS Oceana最后一次飞行-2006年9月22日. F-14D Tomcat (VF-31 / CVW-8)在 NAS Oceana展出,弗吉尼亚州-2006年9月.
VF-31“雄猫人”中队 - tomcat521.com
1972 年越战中,vf-31 的中队长驾驶 f-4j 幽灵, 在越南上空打下了一架 mig-21, 令 vf-31 在为美国海军中, 唯一在二次大战、韩战和越战中都有击坠记录的中队。