VFA-41 - Wikipedia
Strike Fighter Squadron 41 (VFA-41) also known as the "Black Aces", is a United States Navy strike fighter squadron based at Naval Air Station Lemoore, California, flying the F/A-18F Super Hornet. They are attached to Carrier Air Wing 9 (CVW-9). Their radio callsign is "Fast Eagle" and their tailcode is NG.
VF-41 Black Aces fighter squadron FITRON FOUR ONE US Navy
VF-41 adopted the slogan “First To Fight, First To Strike” in recognition of being the first F-14 squadron to score air-to-air kills and drop bombs in combat. During this deployment VF-41 logged over 600 combat hours and 530 sorties.
黑王牌中队 - 百度百科
第41战斗/攻击机中队 (VFA-41)也被称为“黑色王牌”,是一支 美国海军 航母上的战斗&攻击中队,基地位于美国 加利福尼亚州 的“勒摩尔”海军航空站。 自从 F-14 “雄猫”战机退役后开始换装最新型的 F/A-18 F“超级大黄蜂”战斗攻击机,并由之前的“VF-41”战斗中队改称“VFA-41”战斗/攻击中队。 它现隶属于美海军第九舰载机联队,并驻扎在CVN-74“约翰 C 斯坦尼斯”号 航空母舰 上,此中队收音机的呼号是“快鹰”,他们的机尾代码为“NG”。 1950年9月1日,VF-41 (VFA-41)正式 …
VF-41 Squadron History - topedge.com
The present VF-41 was created at NAS Oceana on the 1st of September 1950, becoming the fourth US Navy squadron to bear that designation. At first the squadron was equipped with the F-4U Corsair, but early in the 1950's transitioned to F-2H Banshees.
VF-41 - Wikipedia
Fighter Squadron 41 or VF-41 was an aviation unit of the United States Navy. Originally established as VF-75A on 1 June 1945, redesignated as VF-75 on 1 August 1945, redesignated as VF-3B on 15 November 1946, redesignated as VF-41 on 1 September 1948, it was disestablished in June 1950.
美国海航F-14中队补完计划——第六期(VF-41\VF-51) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年8月27日 · 1950年9月1日,VF-41“黑皇牌”中队于欧希安纳海军航空站成立,是海军历史上第四个以VF-41命名的中队,装备F4U“海盗”,不久后,VF-41中队进入喷气时代,先后装备F2H“女妖”、F3H“恶魔”和F-4“鬼怪”II,并先后参加了针对古巴导弹基地的威慑行动和越战。 1976年4月,VF-41中队接收了首架F-14A。 1977年12月,完成换装的VF-41中队被派至第8舰载机联队,随“尼米兹”号航空母舰展开巡航任务。 随后三年,VF-41中队均在地中海执行任务。 1980 …
美國海軍第41戰鬥攻擊機中隊 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
第41战斗攻击机中队 (英語: Strike Fighter Squadron 41,縮寫為 VFA-41),别名“ 黑王牌 ”(Black Aces),是一支隶属于 美国海军 太平洋戰鬥攻擊機大隊指揮部 (Commander, Strike Fighter Wing Pacific,縮寫為COMSTRKFIGHTWINGPAC)旗下的一個 航空母艦 艦載 攻击 战斗机 中队,本部驻扎在位于 美国 加利福尼亚州 的 勒莫尔海军航空站 (英语:Naval Air Station Lemoore) (NAS Lemoore)。
VFA-41 Black Aces Strike Fighter Squadron F/A-18F Hornet
VF-41 was the first squadron over the beach in the initial phases of Operation Enduring Freedom, dropping 200,000 lbs of laser guided ordinance against Taliban and al-Queda targets within the first month of combat.
Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 41 - United States Navy
VFA-41 is an F/A-18F Super Hornet strike fighter squadron attached to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9.
History - United States Navy
VF-41 was the first squadron over the beach in the initial phases of Operation Enduring Freedom, dropping 200,000 lbs of laser guided ordinance against Taliban and al-Queda targets within the...