VFC M249 GBB Machine Gun - VegaForce
VFC positioned the M249 as the world first practical mass-produced GBB machine gun, it's not only improve the lightweight features, but also added many unique new designs, especially the …
No Compromise? GET VFC! - VegaForceCompany
不少國內外玩家朋友已經購買了VFC/Umarex所推出的HK416A5電動槍,這款全新電槍有個很大的特色,就是從傳統AEG托桿改為相似於GBB的結構設計,讓槍枝擁有更大的電池空間、以及 …
VFC AIRSOFT | Premium Airsoft Guns | RedWolf Airsoft Store
VFC airsoft guns range in functionality from gas blowback (GBB) airsoft pistols and GBB rifles (GBBRs) to automatic electric guns (AEGs), submachine guns (SMGs), and grenade launchers.
VFC GBBシリーズ - VegaForce
エアソフトガンのパワーは法律で上限が定まっており、日本では6mmBB弾で0.98ジュールを超えるものは銃刀法違反となり処罰の対象となります。 パワーアップに関わる改造・改変等 …
VFC M249 SAW Machine Gun GBB Airsoft | RedWolf - RedWolf …
With its lightweight construction, the VFC M249 gas airsoft rifle only weights around 4 KGs with the M4 / AR 15 style magazine gas reservoir on, making it easy to shoulder and have less …
- 评论数: 2
UMAREX / VFC M110A1 SDMR GBB Rifle Airsoft
All GBB are tested before ship out. When we test any guns, tiny scratch cannot be avoided. Only registered users can write reviews. Please Sign in or create an account.
VFC HK416A5 GBB Airsoft Rifle - Black (Umarex) Gen 3 - RedWolf …
The Umarex H&K 416A5 Gas Airsoft Rifle has been around for quite some time now, however this 416A5 is not like its predecessor, this one features the all-new VFC Gen 3 AR gas blowback …
VFC AV74M GBBR - The return of the king - get.vegaforce.com
The prototype is taken from the classic AK-74M model. With all-steel structure and full simulation surface treatment, engraving and details are included; real AK appearance parts and …
自Heckler & Koch發表416/417槍系以來,相當受到各國軍隊的歡迎,本篇介紹的VFC/UMAREX G28 GBB正是德國聯邦國防軍的狙擊步槍,因應阿富汗戰事所以目前看到的都是RAL8000配 …
VFC T91 SOC GBBR - 市面上採吋最正確的 T91 GBBR - VegaForce
VFC 本次所推出的 T91 SOC GBBR,不僅將 VFC 最新的 AR GBB 系統機構一次置入其中,更添加了完整的三發點放射擊模式,不僅在射擊運作上有更靈活的火力發揚選擇,搭配新設計外觀 …