Umarex HK417 GBB Airsoft Rifle V2, 16 inch (by VFC)
Umarex GBB HK417 licensed by the German arms maker, Heckler and Koch, real steel markings. It is a modified version of the American M4 carbine with many changes. Build Material: Aluminum Alloy / Steel / Fiber reinforced polymer / More Durable V2 Internals. This product is only compatible with gas designed specifically for Airsoft guns.
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VFC/Umarex - HK417 V2 12" GBB氣動槍《亞洲全刻版》
鋼製hk417柳葉開孔火帽、12"外管設定,鋼製前段外管。 裝飾瓦斯調節座、HK417樣式鋁合金護木。 全通式上軌道,搭配HK樣式固定準照組。
【心得】VFC HK417 V2 不專業開箱(゚∀。) @野戰 (生存) 遊戲 哈 …
2020年2月2日 · 嘿大家好我又來開箱啦! (゚∀。 ) 這次開箱的是VFC的HK417 V2 廢話不多說直接看圖片啦 (゚∀。 ) VFC一如往常簡約的盒子 槍被塑膠袋好好的包著 槍本體 槍頭的瓦斯管座有小孔可以免拆槍快調HOP UP 刻字特寫 肥肥的槍托~ 類MP5的瞄具 槍口特寫,就我所知防火帽好像是鋼製的 槍機上的HK字樣 這個小地方也有刻字 MIT貼紙 我那把416a5同學說撕掉才發現.
自從VFC發售HK416槍系以來,大家無不引頸盼望HK417 GBB的出現,終於在2014年夏季,VFC不負眾望的發售了HK417 GBB,原裝的7.62超大彈匣果然發揮作用,強大的後座力震撼了不少玩家的心跟荷包....就讓我們來看看這挺HK417撼動人心之處吧! 前段護木採鋁合金車銷製成,質感相當銳利,且固定也相當確實! 想要後座力跟射速更快? 請把BUFFER的緩衝簧取下,後面墊上毒蛇或警星的AR墊片,加一個50元銅板擋住,再裝回覆進簧即可。 BUFFER屁股可以鋸短 …
UMAREX HK417D GBBR V2 ( by VFC ) ( Asia Edition ) ( Black )
Umarex GBB HK417 licensed by the German arms maker, Heckler and Koch, real steel markings. It is a modified version of the American M4 carbine with many changes. On the real steel, most notably a new gas operating system from the Heckler & Koch G36.
Umarex (VFC) HK417 16 Inch GBBR GBBR V2 ( Asia Edition )
The HK417 includes international symbols for Safe, Semi-Automatic, and Fully automatic, a redesigned retractable stock which allows the user to rotate the butt plate, a new pistol grip designed by H&K, made to more ergonomically fit the hand and, attached to the rifle is a new single-piece hand guard with a free floating RIS system, used for ...
Umarex (VFC) HK417 16inch GBB Rifle V2 (Asia Edition)
The Umarex H&K Full Metal 417 (VFC) is high quality to Umarex’s GBB, Officially licensed by H&K. The receiver has been engraved with HK trademarks, CNC produced. The 417 is the 7.62 caliber version of the H&K 416 which and is typically designed for DMR roles.
z H&K 417 350C Limited Edition Full Metal Airsoft AEG Rifle by VFC …
H&K 417 350C Limited Edition Full Metal Airsoft AEG Rifle by VFC / Umarex Features: Limited Edition Run of 350 pieces; Full Licensed H&K Trademarks; Full Metal Receiver and RIS Handguard; Custom Metal Bipod included! Retractable Stock; Ergonomic Motor Grip; Flip-up Front and Rear Sights; Hard Plastic H&K Gun Case included! Length: 870mm-950mm ...
VFC HK417 12 inch V2 Airsoft AEG Rifle (Umarex) | RedWolf
The Umarex HK417 is patterned after the wildly popular rifle from H&K the 417. The 417 is a select-fire, AR patterned rifle chambered in .308 generally used as a designated marksman rifle. This particular variant is the 12" HK417D that sports a shorter barrel length for added maneuverability.
- 评论数: 1
Umarex (VFC) HK417 12 inch V2 AEG - eHobbyAsia
Umarex (VFC) HK417 12 inch V2 AEG 1/1 Scale High Power Assembled Electric Powered Airsoft AEG Official H&K (HECKLER & KOCH) Licensed Authentic Marking on Body