Aircraft Data VH-KMJ, 1964 Cessna 150E C/N 15061038
Everything you need to know about VH-KMJ (1964 Cessna 150E C/N 15061038) including aircraft data, history and photos
VH-KMJ - Cessna 150E [15061038] - Flightradar24
VH-KMJ / VHKMJ (Private owner) - Aircraft info, flight history, flight schedule and flight playback The world’s most popular flight tracker. Track planes in real-time on our flight tracker map and get up-to-date flight status & airport information.
Accident Cessna 150E VH-KMJ, Saturday 15 September 1984
On the first circuit, touchdown was made 357 metres into the strip on the nose wheel and left main wheel together, followed by the right wheel. The nose gear sustained damage and when the aircraft touched down again after a short bounce the propeller struck the ground. The pilot had not conducted cross-wind landing practice for about a year.
VH-KMJ aircraft photos - AirHistory.net
VH-KMJ was registered in March 1965. Registration / Serial: VH-KMJ: Aircraft Version: Cessna 150E: C/n (msn): 15061038: City / Airport: Melbourne - Moorabbin (YMMB / MBW) Map: Region / Country: Victoria, Australia: Photo Date: 7 December 1969: Photo by: David Carter Contact: Registration / Serial: VH-KMJ:
Cessna 150E, c/n 150-61038, c/r VH-KMJ - Aerial Visuals
To Fiona Jean Cumming, Freshwater Creek, VIC with new c/r VH-KMJ. This airframe dossier is based on unreviewed imported data. If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by …
VH-KMJ Australian Aircraft Registration Details - RegoSearch
Australian aircraft register details for 'VH-KMJ'. Manufacturer: CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Model: 150E. Serial: 15061038. Holder: CUMMING, Fiona Jean. Operator: CUMMING, Fiona Jean. The aircraft registration database was last refreshed from the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) on 18/Feb/2025
plane .ID / REG/ VH-KMJ
A beta concept site for all planes & helicopter - maybe rockets - more to come.
VH-KMJ Cessna 150E (c/n 15061038) - edcoatescollection.com
VH-KMJ Cessna 150E (c/n 15061038) This was to have been VH-DMM but this rego was ntu and the aircraft was registered VH-KMJ in March 1965. Mike Vincent's shot above was at Jerilderie, NSW in November 1969. It carried a truly minuscule rego (certainly not Cessna standard) and I have enlarged Mike's picture to prove its
VH-KMJ - AirNav Radar Flight Tracker
VH-KMJ - AirNav Database - Live Flight Tracker, Status, History, Route, Replay, Status, Airports Arrivals Departures
VH-KMJ Cumming, Fiona Jean Cessna 150E, MSN 15061038
Cessna 150E construction number 15061038 operated by Cumming, Fiona Jean with registration VH-KMJ