oyvindln/vhs-decode: Software defined VHS decoder - GitHub
The decode projects tool suite has built-in tools for this ld-process-vbi & ld-process-vits supporting decoding of VITC, VITS & Closed Captions from your .TBC files and saves it inside the .JSON metadata file alongside the outer tape technical data.
《VHS-Teletext开源项目详解:从安装到实用指南》 - GitCode博客
Jan 2, 2025 · 硬件要求:需要具备VBI(Vertical Blanking Interval)捕获硬件,例如bt8x8捕获卡。 必备软件和依赖项 :确保系统中已安装Python 3和pip3,以及CUDA或OpenCL(如果需要使用相应的解码功能)。
探索历史的宝藏:开源Teletext处理工具 - CSDN博客
Jun 3, 2024 · 名词解释: VBI= vertical blanking interval,也就是我们讲的场消隐期间。 VBI在电视 处理 中是用来是垂直扫描完成从屏幕底部回到屏幕顶部的时间。 在这期间,没有任何的图像信息,在原来是基本废置不用的。
VHS-Decode Digtising VHS & SVHS (also …
Jan 31, 2023 · But yes vhs-teletext supports the TBC format already so the workflow is there just not as easy as ld-process-vbi in terms of setup and universal support, but I updated the docs to reflect the support and benefits of RF capture and decoding. Here is a …
r/vhsdecode - Reddit
I have just tried to answer someone who had basic questions about vhs-decode and was given flawed information by the admin and owner Lord Smurf, and here’s what happened. My post was censored to remove even mention of the mere existance of the vhs-decode Discord channel (mention without even any link given) My ip was also banned from the site.
VHS capture fails decoding with vhs-decode being unable to ... - Reddit
Apr 1, 2024 · I'm experimenting with vhs-decode for the first time but I'm having issues when trying to decode the captured RF signal. After running decode.exe, it generates the .tbc, _chroma.tbc and .log files but in the CMD window and in the log file it prints out a lot of "Unable to determine start of field - dropping field" errors.
May 30, 2024 · VHS-Decode (It does more than VHS now!) A fork of LD-Decode, the decoding software powering the Domesday86 Project. This version has been modified to work with the differences found in the tracked RF drum head signals taken directly from colour-under & FM modualted composite format video tape.
Documents · oyvindln/vhs-decode Wiki - GitHub
To pull down the GitHub wiki assets/docs if you pull it down via a local clone, if re-using image assets and written guides please credit appropriately.
Linux Build · oyvindln/vhs-decode Wiki - GitHub
NixOS Linux has pre-made nur-packages for vhs-decode, cxadc and outer tools within the projects.
User Guide - ali1234/vhs-teletext GitHub Wiki
The software has been tested with bt8x8, CX Cards & the DomesDayDuplciator capture hardware (VHS-Decode), but should work with any VBI capture hardware with nearly any appropriate configuration. Download & Install Dependencys. Python 3 - sudo apt install python3 & pip - sudo apt install python3-pip. Download the repository via clone.