Type VII submarine - Wikipedia
Type VII U-boats were the most common type of German World War II U-boat. 703 boats were built by the end of the war. The lone surviving example, U-995, is on display at the Laboe …
德国U-7型潜艇 - 百度百科
VIIB型U艇在VIIA型的基础上做了很多改进:航程增大,可以深入大西洋更远的海域。 航速提高,增加了艇尾鱼雷舱,提高了储弹量。 VIIB型U艇的甲板上有4个水密仓,用于储备鱼雷,使 …
Wii U - 百度百科
Wii U是 任天堂 新推出的 HD 家用游戏机,是Wii的后继机种。 2011年6月7日公布,2012年12月8日上市。 Wii U可以 向下兼容 Wii 所有游戏。 新机支持 1080P 的高清输出,拥有全新触摸屏 …
German Type VII U-Boat - history, specification and photos
Development history, specification, line drawings and photos of the most important German U-boat, Type VII U-boat and its variants.
Type VII C Manual - U-boat Archive
The first medium size U-boats of the German Navy were the Type VII U-boats (displacement 500 tons) of U-Flotilla "Saltzwedel" (1936). Their main distinguishing characteristic was the aft …
U-boat - Wikipedia
Type VII: the "workhorse" of the U-boats with 709 completed in World War II; Type IX: these long-range U-boats operated as far as the Indian Ocean with the Japanese (Monsun Gruppe), and …
U-boat Type VII - Wehrmacht History
The Type VII U-boats were the mainstay of the German U-boat force during World War II. There were a total of 709 Type VII U-boats built during the course of the war, there were seven main …
U-Boot-Klasse VII – Wikipedia
Die U-Boot-Klasse VII, offiziell Typ VII genannt, war eine Bauserie von U-Booten der deutschen Kriegsmarine im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Entstanden aus den Erste-Weltkriegs-Konstruktionen UF …
List of U-boat types - Wikipedia
List of U-boat types contains lists of the German U-boat types (submarine classes) used in World War I and World War II. The anglicized word U-boat is usually only used as reference for …
Typ VII „Atlantik-Frontboot“ – Das deutsche U-Boot-Lexikon
Die U-Boote des Typs VII sind wohl die bekanntesten U-Boote der Deutschen im 2. Weltkrieg, was vor allem daran liegt, da sie die erfolgreichsten und meistgebauten Boote waren.