Type VII submarine - Wikipedia
Type VII U-boats were the most common type of German World War II U-boat. 703 boats were built by the end of the war. The lone surviving example, U-995, is on display at the Laboe Naval Memorial located in Laboe, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
德国U-7型潜艇 - 百度百科
VIIB型U艇在VIIA型的基础上做了很多改进:航程增大,可以深入大西洋更远的海域。 航速提高,增加了艇尾鱼雷舱,提高了储弹量。 VIIB型U艇的甲板上有4个水密仓,用于储备鱼雷,使得鱼雷总数达到14枚。 VIIB型U艇弥补了VIIA型的许多缺陷,为尔后大规模建造的VIIC型提供了非常有益的经验。 整个战争期间,该型U艇一共建造了24艘。 最为成功的是U-47号、U-99号、U-100号、U-48号等。 乘员 44-52 人. 艇长 67.1 米. 水上排水量 769 吨. 水下排水量 871 吨. 水面最高航速 …
Wii U - 百度百科
Wii U是 任天堂 新推出的 HD 家用游戏机,是Wii的后继机种。 2011年6月7日公布,2012年12月8日上市。 Wii U可以 向下兼容 Wii 所有游戏。 新机支持 1080P 的高清输出,拥有全新触摸屏手柄, [1] 可在家中任意地点进行 游戏。 截至2015年12月底的统计,全世界Wii U销量已达1401万台,软硬件比率高达6:1。 [2] Wii U是时代杂志2012年十大科技产品之一, [3] 是 福布斯 2014年度最佳 电视游戏 主机,任天堂诸多世界级大作的平台, 免费 且稳定的 网络环境 、相比之下更高 …
German Type VII U-Boat - history, specification and photos
Development history, specification, line drawings and photos of the most important German U-boat, Type VII U-boat and its variants.
Type VII C Manual - U-boat Archive
The first medium size U-boats of the German Navy were the Type VII U-boats (displacement 500 tons) of U-Flotilla "Saltzwedel" (1936). Their main distinguishing characteristic was the aft torpedo tube on the upper deck.
U-boat - Wikipedia
Type VII: the "workhorse" of the U-boats with 709 completed in World War II; Type IX: these long-range U-boats operated as far as the Indian Ocean with the Japanese (Monsun Gruppe), and the South Atlantic; Type X: long-range minelayers but mainly used to resupply other U-boats
U-boat Type VII - Wehrmacht History
The Type VII U-boats were the mainstay of the German U-boat force during World War II. There were a total of 709 Type VII U-boats built during the course of the war, there were seven main types VIIA, VIIB, VIIC, VIIC/41, VIIC/42, VIID and VIIF.
U-Boot-Klasse VII – Wikipedia
Die U-Boot-Klasse VII, offiziell Typ VII genannt, war eine Bauserie von U-Booten der deutschen Kriegsmarine im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Entstanden aus den Erste-Weltkriegs-Konstruktionen UF und UG und den Erfahrungen mit Typ I und Typ II, war sie die am häufigsten produzierte U-Boot-Klasse der Geschichte; mit ihr wurden auch mehr Raum an ...
List of U-boat types - Wikipedia
List of U-boat types contains lists of the German U-boat types (submarine classes) used in World War I and World War II. The anglicized word U-boat is usually only used as reference for German submarines in the two World Wars and therefore postwar submarine in the Bundesmarine and later German Navy are not included.
Typ VII „Atlantik-Frontboot“ – Das deutsche U-Boot-Lexikon
Die U-Boote des Typs VII sind wohl die bekanntesten U-Boote der Deutschen im 2. Weltkrieg, was vor allem daran liegt, da sie die erfolgreichsten und meistgebauten Boote waren.