Anglia Ruskin University London
ARU London offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in business, management, accounting, law, marketing and HR. Central London campus.
ARUL Services - arulondon2.org
Forgot password? Why ARU London?
Learning Resource Centre - ARU London
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a dedicated in-house online platform to support students during their studies. Book Collection and Loan. The Learning Resource Centre houses approximately 5000 books on the subjects of Management, Business, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources and Law.
1. To access the VLE, please visit the ARU London homepage at https://london.aru.ac.uk/. Once here, click ‘Student portal’ at the top of the page. 2. You will be redirected to the page below, you will need to click on ‘Additional VLE Services’ where you will be asked to enter your login details to access the VLE. 3.
Anglia Ruskin University London
Forgot username / password? Why ARU London?
Students and staff - ARU
Current students can visit MyARU for information, resources and links to systems such as Canvas and e:Vision. Students on further education courses at Writtle College have access to a …
VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) Guide at ARU London
A short video explaining what the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) is and its features.
Decommissioning the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) - ARU
From August 2020, all VLE content will be hidden from NON-ARU users (e.g. partner institutions and external examiners) but still available to ARU staff and students. Phase 2 September - October 2020 ARU users will no longer have access to the VLE apart from designated Learning Technologists and IT Service members.
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Student Portal
Log in to the Student Portal to manage your course, placement, and online services at Anglia Ruskin University.