VLPs generated by the fusion of RSV-F or hMPV-F ... - ScienceDirect
2024年5月31日 · In this work we generated HIV Gag derived VLP exposing an RSV- or hMPV-F immunogen, directly fused to Gag, as a strategy to increase surface antigen density and induce better B-cell activation. Pre-fusion RSV-F conformation provides the best presentation of neutralizing epitopes [4], [6].
Efficacy of a respiratory syncytial virus vaccine candidate in a ...
2018年5月15日 · VLP immunization of dams provides significant protection to pups from RSV challenge and reduced pulmonary inflammation. Collectively, our results show that a VLP vaccine with RSV F and G...
疫苗前沿 | 国内外近20款RSV疫苗最新临床在研情况 - 网易
2024年7月18日 · LID/ΔM2-2/1030s(SP0125)是赛诺菲与美国国家过敏和传染病研究所(NIAID)合作开发的一款针对RSV感染的鼻喷减毒活疫苗,适用于全年龄段幼儿。 公开资料显示,LID/ΔM2-2/1030s可以在保护新生儿在第二个RSV流行季(次年4月-次年9月)不受感染。 目前,该疫苗已进入Ⅲ期临床。 赛诺菲预计最早将在2026年提交该疫苗的上市申请。 Icosavax /阿斯利康的IVX-A12是一种组合蛋白病毒样颗粒(VLP)疫苗,由IVX-121(Icosavax的RSV预融合F …
Design of hepadnavirus core protein-based chimeric virus-like …
2024年3月19日 · The designed RBHcAg-based multiple-epitope-presenting VLP formulated with MF59-like adjuvant elicited a potent and balanced Th1/Th2 immune response, and offered substantial protection in mice ...
文献速递:RSV病毒样颗粒(VLP)疫苗研究新发现 - 知乎
背景 病毒样颗粒 (VLP)疫苗病毒样颗粒(Virus-likeParticles,VLP)是由病毒的单个或多个 结构蛋白 自我组装形成的高度结构化蛋白颗粒。 由于 不含有病毒的遗传物质,VLP不能自主复制,不具备传染性,安全性较高。
Progress in the development of virus-like particle vaccines against ...
RSV VLP vaccines were demonstrated to be unique in conferring protection against RSV while preventing vaccine-enhanced respiratory disease upon RSV infection [93,131]. These preclinical outcomes of RSV VLP vaccines in mice and cotton rat animal studies provide evidence warrantying further development of effective and safe RSV vaccines.
Two RSV Platforms for G, F, or G+F Proteins VLPs
2020年8月19日 · To support anti-viral and vaccine development efforts, we developed an RSV virus-like particle (VLP) platform to explore the role RSV F and G protein interactions in disease pathogenesis. Since VLPs are immunogenic and a proven platform for licensed human vaccines, we also considered these VLPs as potential vaccine candidates.
派诺生物首个国产重组U-VLP™-RSV疫苗国内临床试验获受理医药 …
2024年9月14日 · 据新闻稿,该重组呼吸道合胞病毒疫苗LYB005基于派诺生物自主搭建的通用型类病毒纳米颗粒(U-VLP™)技术平台研发,通过专有Covalink®技术与RSV重组抗原蛋白偶联形成嵌合U-VLP™抗原。
The importance of RSV F protein conformation in VLPs in …
2017年12月2日 · The goal of this study was to assess the generation of protective immune responses in mice previously infected with RSV by virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine candidates containing a stabilized pre-fusion form of the RSV F protein or a stabilized post-fusion F protein.
国产首个!派诺生物重组U-VLP™ RSV疫苗获批临床 - 四川省医药 …
LYB005是派诺生物基于U-VLP™技术平台研发,通过专有Covalink®技术与RSV重组预融合F抗原蛋白偶联形成嵌合RSV PreF VLP (Virus-Like Particle,类病毒颗粒)。差异性的抗原分子设计,能够诱导机体产生更强的免疫应答,并覆盖RSV-A和RSV-B两个亚组。