vmcp · PyPI
2022年8月22日 · The VMC protocol is used for realtime Motion Capture transmission and based on the Open Sound Control (OSC) protcol. This Python module is an highly modular implementation of it's most basic features.
low-cost-body-tracking/python-vmcp: Virtual Motion Capture …
If you only want to use the VMC protocol layer, you can simply install it via pip install vmcp (without OSC). If you want it ready-to-use including OSC, install it with the dependencies of your choosen backend.
GitHub - poglesbyg/vmc-python: Reference implementation for VMC…
VMC is the Variation Modelling Collaboration. The VMC's mission is to standardize the exchange of biological sequence variants among computer systems. The primary "products" of this effort are: A terminology document defining core elements of the data model. Machine-readable specifications for the data model.
2023年1月24日 · jVMC This is an impementation of Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) for quantum many-body dynamics using the JAX library (and Flax on top) to exploit the blessings of automatic differentiation for easy model composition and just-in-time compilation for execution on accelerators. Documentation Installation Online example Important gotchas Citing jVMC
2023年5月9日 · 本文面向初学者,特别是对机器人技术没有基础的本科生,清晰解释了四足机器人在坐标变换中的难点和VMC(虚拟模型控制)方法。 通过简化复杂的理论,使得理解过程更为直观。 内容来源于作者的毕业设计,参考了ETH的机器人讲义和谢惠祥国防科大的研究成果。
vmware-nsx-vmc-aws · PyPI
2024年2月4日 · Developed and maintained by the Python community, for the Python community. Donate today! "PyPI", "Python Package Index", and the blocks logos are registered …
VMware vSphere Automation SDK for Python - GitHub
Python samples, language bindings, and API reference documentation for vSphere, VMC, and NSX-T using the VMware REST API - vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python
GitHub - markusschmitt/vmc_jax: Impementation of Variational …
To install jVMC with GPU support, use. pip install jVMC[gpu] This is assuming, that jax[cuda12] will work for you (see the JAX documentation). git clone https://github.com/markusschmitt/vmc_jax.git. cd vmc_jax. pip install -e ".[dev]" Test that everything worked, e.g. run 'python -c "import jVMC"' from a place different than vmc_jax.
vmc-draas-client-bindings · PyPI
Source Distribution vmc-draas-client-bindings-0.0.1.tar.gz (995 Bytes view hashes ) Uploaded Apr 4, 2022 source
Installation — NetKet
Netket requires python>= 3.9 and can optionally benefit from a recent MPI install. GPUs are supported on linux. Before attempting the installation, you should update pip to a recent version (>=20.3) to avoid getting a broken install. To install the basic version with no optional dependencies, run the following commands: