New to Me VN12 in Rochester NY | The Hobby-Machinist
2024年12月2日 · Also of note, your serial number is XXXXX, whereas the more typical VN12/22/etc.-era numbering is 12-XXXX or XXXX-12, with the dash in the middle. This might …
VN - Best tooling to start with for VN12? | The Hobby-Machinist
2018年4月24日 · Ok, so I don't even have the VN12 home yet but I started thinking about tooling. I need your suggestions on where to start. I believe I have a full set of the VN 5v collets …
VN12 Spindle Project of 2013 - The Hobby-Machinist
2013年6月11日 · The goal is an Van Norman C Spindle (V5) measured drawing (CAD file) that would be a replacement for worn VN12 ball bearing spindles. A sub-goal is to provide some …
VN12 Wiring - The Hobby-Machinist
2015年5月14日 · VN12_Wiring Diagram.jpg. 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Downloads 8 Updated May 14, 2015. Resource icon. VN12 ...
VN - Spindle "key" question VN12 | The Hobby-Machinist
2018年7月24日 · The key is very similar to my VN 10. However, there is a pin that that seems to go through the collet holder. I have not taken my key out so my assumption is: the key is t …
VN - Vn12 Table Feed Screw Backlash Adjustment Help
2016年12月11日 · I have attempted to follow the instructions in the VN12 manual to adjust the table feed backlash. I have been unable to loosen the check nut "A" in the diagram below. …
VN - VN12 Overarm Bar Won't Budge | The Hobby-Machinist
2018年2月1日 · Been soaking that thing for months. I keep filling the wedge lock holes with penetrating oil. Also using a chain style vise grip on the end trying to turn it. Tried banging on …
How Do I Remove The Lead Screw? Vn12 | The Hobby-Machinist
2016年10月8日 · Jason, I got it apart but the drawing in the manual is useless. It has 3 threaded collars!!! after you remove the dial and the handwheel there it a dog that slides off of the shaft, …
Van Norman 12 Schematics and manuals required.
2020年5月10日 · Hi there, I realize that nothing left of electrical panel of my VN12 as previous owner dismantled to move, he put in trash all the electrical panel and the main motor since it …
VN12 auction listing in Providence | The Hobby-Machinist
2022年5月9日 · VN12 auction listing in Providence. Thread starter ericpelletier000; Start date May 9 , 2022; E ...