Virtual Pooled Registry Cancer Linkage System (VPR-CLS) - NAACCR
The Virtual Pooled Registry Cancer Linkage System (VPR-CLS) is a one-stop-shop designed to efficiently connect researchers with multiple cancer registries, thereby increasing access to, linkage with, and use of this valuable source of information. Researchers must be approved to use the VPR-CLS before submitting a new data request.
The Virtual Pooled Registry Cancer Linkage System (VPR-CLS) is a secure online service designed to: efficiently connect researchers performing minimal risk linkage studies with multiple U.S. population-based cancer registries; perform linkages utilize a single cohort file, standard linkage software, and consistent matching algorithms;
Coordinated by the North American Association of Cancer Registries (NAACCR) with funding from the National Cancer Institute, the VPR-CLS provides a single location to facilitate timely access to and use of high quality cancer surveillance data for minimal risk linkage studies.
Coordinated by the North American Association of Cancer Registries (NAACCR) with funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the VPR-CLS provides a single location to facilitate minimal risk linkages between studies with an existing cohort and 46 U.S. registries representing approximately 90% of the U.S. population plus Puerto Rico.
The VPR-CLS is a web-based, one-stop-shop designed to connect researchers performing minimal risk linkage studies with cancer registries across the U.S. The goal is to increase timely access to and use of high-quality cancer surveillance data while providing registries with a standardized, secure, automated process for performing the linkages.
ICLR'24开源 | 霸榜视觉位置识别!耗时不到SuperGlue的1%! - 知乎
2024年3月18日 · 视觉位置识别(VPR)旨在从地理标记图像数据库中搜索最佳匹配,来粗略估计查询地点图像的位置。 基础模型因为能够产生良好泛化的表示,在许多计算机视觉任务上取得了显着的性能。
Cohort data from the U.S. solid organ transplant registry (recipients, candidates, and donors) Evaluating health-related outcomes, including cancer Previously linked with 11 cancer …
论文| Visual Place Recognition: A Tutorial-CSDN博客
2024年4月24日 · 本文深入介绍了VPR技术,包括其问题表述、通用算法流程、评估手段,以及面临的主要挑战及其解决方案,提供了详细的开源代码示例。 本文是有关 VPR 的第一篇教程文章(提供每个功能模块的开 源代码)。 涵盖了 VPR 问题的表述、通用算法pipeline、评估方法、主要挑战及其解决方法等主题。
2025年1月29日 · VPR(Visual Place Recognition) 是 计算机视觉领域 的一项关键任务,旨在通过图像匹配和分析来识别场景或位置。 它的目标是根据视觉信息判断某个场景是否与数据库中的场景匹配,从而确定位置或场所。
【论文解读】Collaborative Visual Place Recognition ... - CSDN博客
2024年12月18日 · 视觉位置识别(VPR)的目的是通过将图像作为检索问题来估计图像的位置。 VPR使用地理标记图像的数据库,并利用深度神经网络从每个图像中提取一个称为描述符的全局表示。