VR Class Dm10 - Wikipedia
The Dm10 was an experimental diesel multiple unit built by VR Group's Pieksämäki workshop in 1994. [1] It was based on a blue passenger carriage, Eit 23018, which was fitted with two diesel engines taken from HKL buses 601 and 608. [1] The train had 80 no-smoking seats [1] and had the driver selling tickets, which was unusual for Finnish conditions. [2] ...
Dm10 – Wikipedia
Dm10 oli VR:n kokeellinen dieselmoottorivaunu (moottorijuna). Dm10-sarjan moottorijunia rakennettiin koemielessä vain yksi kappale, Dm10 nro 4301, [ 1 ] joka sai lempinimen Junttilan Salama . Kun moottorijunaliikenne lopetettiin vuonna 1988, suuri osa Dm7-sarjan moottorijunin hoidetusta henkilöjunaliikenteestä joko lakkautettiin tai vuorot ...
VR Class Dm10 - Wikiwand
The Dm10 was an experimental diesel multiple unit built by VR Group's Pieksämäki workshop in 1994. It was based on a blue passenger carriage, Eit 23018, which was fitted with two diesel engines taken from HKL buses 601 and 608.
Category : VR Class Dm10 - Wikimedia
English: The Dm10 was an experimental diesel multiple unit built by VR Group's Pieksämäki workshop in 1994. Suomi: Dm10 oli VR:n Pieksämäen konepajalla vuonna 1994 rakennettu kokeellinen dieselmoottorivaunu.
Dm 10 – Junawiki
Dm 10 oli Pieksämäen konepajan vuonna 1994 sinisen Eit -vaunun numero 23018 pohjalta rakennettu moottorivaunu. VR luopui Dm 7 -moottorivaunuista, eli "lättähatuista" vuonna 1988, tarkoituksena siirtyä sähköistämättömillä radoilla kokonaan veturivetoiseen liikenteeseen.
File:VR Dm10 class 4301.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
2006年5月26日 · English: VR Class Dm10 diesel motor coach 4301. 4301 was the only unit of Dm10 class and was scrapped at Joensuu, Finland starting 26 May 2006.
VR Class Dm10 - Wikidata
experimental diesel multiple unit built by VR Group's Pieksämäki workshop in 1994
VR Class Dm10 - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年10月13日 · The Dm10 was an experimental diesel multiple unit built by VR Group's Pieksmki workshop in 1994. It was based on a blue passenger carriage, Eit 23018, which was fitted with two diesel engines taken from HKL buses 601 and 608.
Creators Club - VR Class Dm10 VR livery NID BR628.2
The VR Class Dm10 was a experimental DMU that served the lines Parikkala-Savonlinna and Iisalmi-Ylivieska in Finland. The DMU was used between 1994-1997 and it was scrapped in 2006 by Kuusakoski Oy. There were only one VR Class Dm10 ever made.
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