VR Class Sr2 - Wikipedia
The Sr2 is a class of electric locomotives of the VR Group. They were built by SLM/ABB and later by Adtranz and finally Bombardier Transportation and assembled by Transtech Oy. [1] [2] They are closely based on the class Re 460 (or Lok 2000) locomotives of Swiss Federal Railways.
VR Class Sr2 Electric Locomotives - Socimi
From 2010 onwards, starting with unit 3221, all the Sr2 electric locomotives (along the rest of VR’s rolling stock) started to be repainted into VR’s new green livery. Currently, all 46 Sr2s are still in service, all fitted in the new green livery, and can be commonly seen push-pulling IC2-type double-decker cars thruought the entire ...
VR Sr2 – Wikipedia
Die Sr2 sind nach der Sr1 die zweite Elektrolokomotiv-Baureihe, die von der Finnischen Staatsbahn VR mit der Spurweite 1524 mm beschafft wurden. Die Sr2 kommen sowohl im Reise - als auch im Güterzugdienst zum Einsatz, die zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit beträgt 210 km/h.
FUNET Railway Photography Archive: Finland - electric locomotives
Class Sr2 locomotive of the Finnish VR was built by former SLM and ADtranz in Switzerland and is almost identical to the Swiss Lok 2000, also known as Br460 or Br465, but obviously Sr2 is broad gauge and operates on 25kV AC instead of the Swiss 16kV.
Category:VR Class Sr2 - Wikimedia Commons
2023年7月8日 · English: Sr2 is an electric locomotive of VR Group, Finland, built by SLM/ABB. Suomi: Sr2 on VR:n käyttämä sähköveturi. The following 132 files are in this category, out of 132 total.
索尼ELF-SR2解析:27英寸、裸眼3D、4K够不够 - 知乎专栏
自首款产品发布2年之后,索尼本周发布了新款Spatial Reality Display系列裸眼3D屏幕:ELF-SR2,预计5月发售。 相比于上一代ELF-SR1,ELF-SR2最主要的升级是尺寸从15英寸扩大到27英寸,同时分辨率依然为4K,售价也…
Veturityypit - VR Group
Sr2 on suunniteltu sekä raskaaseen tavara- että nopeaan matkustajaliikenteeseen. Sr1-sarja on käytössä sekä matkustaja- että tavaraliikenteessä lähes kaikilla sähköistetyillä rataosilla. Dr19 on VR Groupin tuorein dieselveturitulokas, joka tulee …
VR Class Sr2 - TrainStation Wiki
The Sr2 is a class of electric locomotives of the VR Group. They are closely based on the class Re 460 locomotives of Swiss Federal Railways. The nicknames of this class are Alppiruusu (Edelweiss), Käkikello (Cuckoo clock), both referring to the Swiss origin of the locomotive, and Marsu (Guinea pig), from the looks of the locomotive.
VR Sr2 - Trainspo
VR Sr2 - 1524 Bo'Bo' AC Electric locomotive. Gallery Spots People Countries Map Stats Community About. Sign Up Log in Log in. About Spots People Countries Map Stats Community Search. VR Sr2. 1524 Bo'Bo' AC Electric locomotive from Lok 2000 series. Summary. Gallery. Map. Pekka Soininen discovered on Dec 7, 2010.
Suomalainen junakalusto Trainziin - Linjavaihde.net
Tähän aiheeseen kootaan listaa ja keskustelua Trainziin tehdystä suomalaisesta kalustosta. Miksei ole Sm2:n tai Sr2:n latauslinkkiä? Sr2:sta en tiedä, mutta Sm2:ta ei Sivuraiteen lopetuksen jälkeen ole ollut missään jaossa, joten tällä hetkellä sille ei ole olemassa minkäänlaista latauslinkkiä missään.