VSC8000/HS - Foster+Freeman
Used by immigration authorities, government agencies, and forensic examiners worldwide, the VSC 8000/HS includes specialist modes of illumination and licensed software to detect and …
Video Spectral Comparator (VSC): Principle, Parts, Uses, …
The Video Spectral Comparator (VSC) is a UV-Vis-IR imaging spectral device designed for forensic examination and authentication of questioned documents. It was developed by Foster …
Questioned Document Examination | Foster + Freeman
VSC, the premier range of imaging systems for the forensic-level examination of questioned documents. Quickly and easily detect and authenticate covert security features that cannot …
VSC80 /FS - Foster+Freeman
Advanced forensic-level technology, operated via a simplified touchscreen interface, the VSC80 i provides a complete solution to the examination of secure travel and identity documents …
Document Examination – All Tactical Supply
Intelligent touch screen workstation for forensic-level examination of travel and identity documents. A compact and highly capable document imaging system, the VSC®800 provides …
Document scanner - VSC®8000/HS - Foster & Freeman
Detect Fakes, Counterfeits & Evidence of Tampering Using a high-precision 12MP camera in combination with dedicated examination tools to observe covert security features, confirm …
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Unique to the VSC®8000/HS, Super Resolution Imaging ( ) is an optical system providing excellent clarity and image resolution of documents captured using a high-precision SRI 12MP …
Video Spectral Comparator (VSC) - Forensic's blog
VSC is a comprehensive digital imaging system combining high-resolution optics and multi-spectral illumination with a great software package that involves tools for image enhancement …
VSC 800. POWERFUL MID-RANGE VIDEO SPECTRAL COMPARATOR ® A mid-range VSC Workstation for the Forensic Examination of Questioned Documents. A compact and highly …
The VSC®8000 combines sophisticated digital imaging and multi-wavelength LED technology with a clear and efficient software interface, to provide a complete solution to the examination …