Optimization of production of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) …
2019年1月10日 · In this report we evaluated the production of a recombinant VSV expressing the green fluorescent protein (VSV-GFP) in these two stable cell lines. At a relatively low cell density of 500,000 cells per ml, 293SF-3F6 produced 4.6 times more infectious particles than SF …
水疱性口炎病毒(VSV)包装原理及应用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
水疱性口炎病毒(Vesicular stomatitis virus,VSV)载体在研究病毒颗粒入侵宿主细胞、辨认介导病毒感染细胞的细胞表面受体、筛选病毒抑制药物以及疫苗开发方面有着广泛的应用。
水疱性口炎病毒 (VSV)假病毒的制备原理与应用 - 知乎
水疱性口炎病毒 (Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, VSV) 野生型的VSV是一种包膜病毒,属于弹状病毒科,含有一条单链负义RNA基因组(-ssRNA),含有5种结构蛋白:核蛋白(Nucleoprotein, N)、磷蛋白(Phosphoprotein, P)、基质蛋白(Matrix protein, M)、糖蛋白(Glycoprotein, G)和RNA聚合 …
VSV-eGFP - Creative Biolabs
We found VSV-eGFP to be a reliable tool for our neural tracing applications. The GFP signal was strong and consistent, providing clear images of neuronal pathways. The product's quality was exceptional, and it met all our experimental needs. Our …
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) Engineered to Express CD19 …
2020年11月5日 · To test our hypothesis, human CD19 or GFP (control) was engineered between the glycoprotein and large-protein (Fig.1A) in a modified VSV backbone. A matrix inactivating mutation (M51R) rendered it incapable of suppressing anti-viral reactions of infected targets, potentially promoting its immunogenicity.
VSV-ΔG-GFP Plasmid Expression Vector - Kerafast
The plasmid pVSV-ΔG-GFP encodes the antigenomic-sense (or positive-sense) RNA of a replicaton-restricted recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV) in which the glycoprotein (G) gene has been replaced with GFP.
基于表达GFP的重组VSV建立安全,快速,方便,低成本的干扰素 …
在这里,使用表达绿色荧光蛋白(gfp)(vsv / gfp)和mdbk细胞的重组水泡性口炎病毒来开发针对ifn的抗病毒测定(ava)。 该方法在96孔细胞培养板上进行,通过检测GFP量化了病毒复制的一半减少。
Highly Attenuated Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus VSV-12′GFP …
Here we report the construction of a recombinant VSV (VSV-12′GFP) that adds two (nonviral fluorescent reporter) genes, one in the first (1′) and another in the second (2′) genomic positions, thus shifting the viral genes NPMGL from positions 1′ through 5′ to positions 3′ through 7′.
Establishing a safe, rapid, convenient and low-cost antiviral assay …
Here a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) (VSV/GFP) and MDBK cells were used to develop an antiviral assay (AVA) for IFNs. This method was carried out on a 96-well cell culture plate, and the half reduction of virus replication was quantified by assaying GFP.
Vesicular stomatitis virus G protein transmembrane region is crucial ...
2018年7月13日 · Vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSV G) protein is a typical type III viral fusion protein. To study the mechanism of VSV G protein mediated membrane fusion, we set up a cell-cell fusion...