I beg, Please fix hull aiming - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年5月15日 · And the only tank of its type in War thunder the VT1-2 is more like other TDs than people want to admit. So i want people to come together and make the Strv 103s Aiming system “Like it was in real life, i know the statement is cringe but its true” For people thinking the Strv 103 will be OP after this fix.
China Norinco VT series MBTs, History, Performance & Discussion
2023年7月7日 · Introduction: This topic is about the History, Performance & Discussion of Norinco VT series. Norinco is one of the largest arms trading companies in China, it mainly exports various armored vehicles, with VT/VN being the two most important series, this topic is about the VT series and will also introduce their foreign variants. English is not my native language, and the …
Is premium vehicle price a little bit too high? - War Thunder
2024年9月21日 · The current top tier premium vehicle’s price is around 60 - 70 USD for me and most of the Asian player is quite too high due to the exchange rate. I believe I’m not the only players who feel this, we love this game but the prices had stopped many of us for buying premium, maybe gaijin can lower the price or providing a regional price through third party like …
Problem with STRV103 = unplayable and unbalanced
2023年7月6日 · The STRV 103 has become unplayable, since gaijin removed the ability to retaliate when your transmission or engine is destroyed the tank has become the worst victim of the 7.7 and 8.3, 95% of the time you get your transmission or engine pierced from the front by any vehicle (and yes the zsu 57-2 deactivates the transmission of the 103 from the front and at …
Is the FV4202 a fake vehicle? - War Thunder - Official Forum
2025年1月20日 · Specifically the turret was cast steel at the front, and the sides and rear only 30mm rolled steel - not armour grade see 8.03 in the video. (note we do already have 1 vehicle that has only non-armour grade Steel - the VT1-2) And the 20 pdr used bagged ammo - not the fixed ammo used in the service version.
2024 in review: What should I write about? - War Thunder
2024年8月13日 · Or re-run all events (incl. Sturmtiger & VT1-2) karnitin75 August 13, 2024, 9:01pm 12. Finally unlocking ...
VT-1 missiles and the vehicles that carry it - War Thunder
2023年6月24日 · Hey there! So since the new economy update I returned to top tier and I have to say at this point: It’s great! Sweden is finally playable again. But speaking of playable… what’s absolutely the opposite of playable is the ItO 90M mainly because of the handling of the VT-1 missiles. I played it pretty much for the first time since the whole missile change and oh boy…
Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) …
2025年2月11日 · Im waiting for most of my own suggestions to be implemented lol Rheinmetall Oerlikon SkyGuard-M with HFK-KV almost 50km range btw hehe Tiger KHT (with nose cannon, LFK-NG and extra PARS missiles) 10km range plus 60G (baby IRIS-T) Also i hope Gaijin gives us the EM upgrade to the FlaRakRad And i wouldnt mind having the EPHAG gun launched IR …
Missed Vehicles - General Discussion - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年9月4日 · Some other event tanks I thought weren’t interesting to me at the time, but now regret not going for it were Kpz PT-16/T14 and VT1-2. There are some others, but these I regret the most. I was just in time for the Tiger 105, Panther II and Coelian though, so there’s that.
烈火雷鸣轰响,PLz83/130 出击! - 中文分论坛 - War Thunder — …
2024年4月18日 · 下载壁纸: 1920x1080 2560x1440 3840x2160 欢迎来到 战争雷霆全新周期活动 第二轮陆战任务。参与“烈火雷鸣”主题活动,即有机会赢取中国 PLZ83/130、系列贴花、装饰挂件与物资箱在内的奖励道具! 活动时间:北京时间 4 月 24 日 19:00 至 5 月 8 日 19:00,在陆战模式下获取分数完成任务即可解锁对应阶段 ...