VT52 - Wikipedia
The VT52 provided a screen of 24 rows and 80 columns of text and supported all 95 ASCII characters as well as 32 graphics characters, bi-directional scrolling, and an expanded control character system. DEC produced a series of upgraded VT52s with additional hardware for …
VT- 52, Tube VT-52; Röhre VT- 52 ID20340, Transmitting Triod ...
Tube VT- 52 or Röhre VT-52 ID20340, Transmitting Triode, air cooled, UX-Base (4 Pins (2 thick, USA 1924, UX) and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are.
Western Electric VT52 Power Triode - lampes et tubes
The VT52, a medium-power triode introduced in 1939, also known as “45 Special” is actually a regridded, lower mu, VT25A with an oxide filament and a ST16 bulb. It was used in the Army BC-AS-230 (SCR-183) aircraft transmitter.
VT52 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The VT52 was a particularly economical audio power valve (heater power = 1.26W) and was used where very large numbers of valves were required (e.g. in telephone exchanges), consuming power throughout the night when nothing much was happening but it was essential for the whole system to be instantly ready for an emergency.
VT 52, Tube VT52; Röhre VT 52 ID11785, Vacuum Pentode
Tube VT 52 or Röhre VT52 ID11785, Vacuum Pentode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
DEC VT52 terminal emulator for Windows, supports serial ports, …
This is a VT52 terminal emulator for Windows, written in C#. The aim of this project is to accurately reproduce the experience of using a real Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VT52 terminal, including the look of the screen. This program requires the .NET Framework, v2.0 or newer. Controls: Regular keyboard keys work as expected.
we-349Aドライブ45 (VT52)アンプ | 想ふままに・・・たまあん …
2017年8月31日 · 通常の45とVT52、2A3切り替えはドロップ抵抗、およびカソード抵抗の切り替えで対応。 ヒーターは効率優先でトランスとスライダックを併用しています。 ACアウトレットも嫌いで使いません。 ケースはアルミ5052、2mm厚、材料屋で曲げてもらいました。
西电VT52两分体单端机 - 昆明老杨胆艺坊 - 音响杂货区 - 胆艺轩音 …
2008年8月24日 · 胆艺轩音响材料网 花了近一个月,给乔木兄做的西电两分体vt52单端终于开声了,这几天反复调试已达到我理想中的效果,西电管特有的魅力也让我十分迷恋,特发几张图留作纪念。
日本Cattlea蔷薇3拆机图(VT52单端)(页 1) - 『胆艺轩拆机乐园』 …
欣赏,欣赏VT52单端 【维他命】 发表于 2021-3-29 18:02. 欣赏学习长见识。谢谢分享. ef40 发表于 2021-3-30 08:29. 外观很漂亮,内容也丰富. hdsc 发表于 2021-3-30 17:15. 据说,真空管VT52(we管7v,普通6.3v)交流点火回路是此机特色! lanclot 发表于 2021-3-31 22:33. 看内部图 …
VT52製作 - 『胆艺轩音响技术论坛』 - 胆艺轩[Tubebbs]论坛 音响
2008年5月4日 · 胆艺轩[Tubebbs]论坛 朋友想了解VT52製作,固登出讓大家參考,線路選用原西電41A+42A,經改良而成,原線路41A用三支239A放大,後來改用264C,改良後除264C外還可用VT24或WE231D,由原來三支減 ...