IVE Engineering - Vocational Training Council
The Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS) is an initiative promulgated by the HKSAR Government, aiming to attract non-local students to remain in Hong Kong upon graduation to work in a skilled trade relevant to their programme of study.
Vocational Training Council (VTC)
Vocational Training Council (VTC) is the largest vocational and professional education and training provider in Hong Kong. VTC provides valuable credentials for students through a full range of pre-employment and in-service programmes with …
Engineering << VTC - IVE
Engineering Discipline of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE Engineering) is the largest of the seven academic disciplines within IVE, a member of Vocational Training Council (VTC). It enrolls a total of 3,700 full-time and 5,800 part-time students.
Vplus工程專才 - Vocational Training Council
學生修讀指定VTC的建築、工程等學科的兼讀制專業課程,有機會獲得課程學費資助。 申請人須首次成功入讀該合資格課程,並從未就同一項合資格課程申請或獲得僱主的任何經濟補助/資助或任何其他形式的政府資助(例如「持續進修基金」、「擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃」、「新型工業化及科技培訓計劃」、「海運及空運人才培訓基金」等等)。 在香港資歷名冊的學習/培訓範疇下屬“建築及城市規劃”或“工程及科技 ” 類別。 大師級專業文憑、專業文憑、專業證書、文憑及證書 …
IVE Engineering - Vocational Training Council
IVE Engineering offers a wide range of professional engineering programmes from diploma to degree, covering the four important development areas, Sustainable Built Environment, Innovation & Technology, Engineering Design & Infrastructure, and Smart Mobility, which sustain the economic growth of Hong Kong.
電機工程高級文憑課程 - VTC入學網頁
vtc 可因應情況取消任何課程、修正課程名稱、內容或更改開辦課程的院校 / 分校 / 上課地點。 課程覆核將於 2025 年進行。 課程內容會因應情況作出更新。
Our Certificate Programmes / Courses - Vocational Training Council
Our Certificate Programmes / Courses. Vocational English Programme (VEP) class will commence in Jun 2025. Vocational English Programme (for Senior Secondary Students) - The …
IVE Engineering - Vocational Training Council
IVE 工程提供一系列由文憑至學位的專業工程學課程,涵蓋四個重要發展範疇,包括可持續建築環境、 創新科技、工程設計與基建,智能運輸等,支援香港經濟的持續增長。
香港專業教育學院 << IVE
香港專業教育學院(ive) 為vtc機構成員,是香港卓越的職業專才教育機構,致力為各行各業提供具價值的人才。
工程 << VTC - IVE
香港專業教育學院(ive)為職業訓練局(vtc)的機構成員,轄下的七個的學科當中以工程學科(ive 工程) 最具規模,共有約 3,700 名全日制學生及 5,800 名兼讀制學生。
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