Volkswagen Passat Fuse and Electrical Problems - Edmunds
Second, your Passat would have originally come with a radio manual as well as a regular car manual; among other things, the former gives details about the specific model # of your radio and its operation. VW made life difficult for thieves (and used car buyers) by assigning a specific "radio code" to each radio as part of an anti-theft system.
VW Passat TDI vs VW Jetta TDI — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
VW couldn't put together a simple package in its new Passat--a stick, sunroof and diesel engine (never mind ask for awd). In effect, they forced me down the product line to a Jetta to pay nearly the same money.
Volkswagen Passat Sludge Issues — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
Wanted to clarify that the point I was trying to make by bringing up other owners who also experienced sludge and needed a new engine even though they changed their oil EVERY 5k miles is this: VW has already acknowledged there is a sludge problem (letter dated 8/04), inherent to the Passat 1.8 turbo engines. There are well documented cases of ...
Erratic Transmission Behavior, Help Please. 2012 VW Passat.
One month ago I purchased a used Passat SE 2.5 with 11,186 miles. I generally take the bus to work so it gets driven fifteen miles a day back and forth to the bus station without incident. However on four occasions in the past month I have driven it to work which 65-75 miles round trip depending on the route.
Volkswagen Passat Hesitation Issue — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
As for the hesitation, go to vwvortex.com and in the B6 Passat forum you will see some threads concerning the hesitation problem. It is not turbo-related, i.e. also occurs with the 3.6L. Basically it's a delay in response when you hit the throttle. VW has a software fix for it (apparently) that was just recently released.
VW Ignition Coil Problems? — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
so i havea 2002 passat, and have had the same problem, started it one morning, smelled rotten eggs, the car shook abnormally, and would hardly go over 30mph. took it to the dealership and they've had it for 2 1/2 weeks now. they've been waiting for the part - the coil patch they called it. so we contacted vw of america talked to people at corporate headquartersand eventually got a …
Volkswagen Passat Fuse and Electrical Problems - Page 8
They have a 1998 Passat, but the CCM and the wires are identical to my 1992 Passat wagon. When I moved the driver's seat all the way back, I could push the carpet back far enough to pull out the large plastic box that holds the CCM, and I can get to the thick bundle of wires alongside the door opening.
Volkswagen Passat Turbo Issues — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
2002 1.8t passat.my car overheated and dumped all the coolent.when i removed the filler cap the resovire was full of oil. called the vw dealer and questioned the service manager about a headgasket problem he says its most likely the turbo since the car is not smoking or running rough. i removed both the oil and coolant lines from the turbo and ...
2020 VW Passat Lease Deals and Prices - Edmunds
Hi there, could I please get RV/MF/Incentives for the 2020 VW Passat S and SE, 36/12k, 75209. Thank you!! .00004 and 51% $250 incentive Either trim
Volkswagen Passat Oil Changes & Issues - Edmunds
Viscosity rating: SAE 0w-30 VW 503.01 A new oil specification specifically for the RS4, and the TT and S3 with outputs of more than 180bhp, Passat W8 and Phaeton W12. Viscosity rating: 0w-30 or 0w-40 VW 505.00 For all diesel engines prior to model year 2000 (August 1999) Viscosity rating: 0w-40, 5w-40 or 10w-40 VW 505.01 For all diesel engines ...