Yaesu Vertex VX-170 vx-177 Amateur HT vx170 VX177 - Universal Radio
The Yaesu Vertex VX-170 is a rugged, compact, high-performance FM 2 meter handheld delivering up to 5 watts of RF power. Following on the success of the VX-150, the VX-170 has a larger display, double the battery capacity and significantly higher audio output (700 mW). The 16 key keypad supports direct frequency entry and 4 column DTMF.
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The VX-177 is an ultra-rugged 5-Watt 430 MHz hand-held ideal for use in the most demanding applications. Featuring big receiver audio (almost 3/4 of a Watt!) and long battery life, the VX-177 is protected against water ingress to IPX7 specifications (immersion in 1 …
The VX-177 is a compact, high-performance submersible FM hand-held providing up to five watts of RF power and wealth of convenient features for the 430 MHz amateur band. New and exciting features of the VX-177 are the Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) function, that will automatically cause your VX-177 to transmit your callsign and engage your rig’s
Reviews For: Yaesu VX-177 - eHam.net
The VX-177 is an ultra-rugged 5-Watt 430 MHz hand-held ideal for use in the most demanding applications. Featuring big receiver audio (almost 3/4 of a Watt!) and long battery life, the VX-177 is protected against water ingress to IPX7 specifications (immersion in 1 …
推荐一款对讲机---八重洲 VX-177 - 无忌摄影论坛
2008年3月28日 · YAESU VX-177是一款超坚固、耐水的单段手持电台,它工作在 430MHz 业余频段,并且可以 5 瓦的大功率进行发射。 VX-177 的防水性能符合 IPX7 规范,可以在水下一米深处停留 30 分钟而不影响使用。 VX-177 的手感坚固、结实,机身没有松动的地方,各个接口部分都由橡胶盖进行保护,适合在野外恶劣的环境中工作。 VX-177 造型棱角分明,粗糙的表面处理给人一种野性的美感,非常适合男性使用。
YAESU VX-177 OPERATING MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
The VX-177 includes a number of features which make repeater operation simple and enjoyable. The VX-177 has been configured, at the factory, with the repeater shift set to 1.6 MHz, 7.6 MHz, or 5 MHz (USA version).
八重洲VX-177手持电台使用手册.pdf 88页 - 原创力文档
New and exciting features of the VX-177 are the Emergency Automatic ID (EAI) function, that will automatically cause your VX-177 to transmit your callsign and engage your rig’s microphone, even if you are disabled and unable to press the PTT switch; Enhanced Pag- ing and Code Squelch (EPCS), that allows you to page a particular station and ...
vx-177步话机使用说明rk - 道客巴巴
2014年4月13日 · 八重洲vx-177中文使用说明书基本使用电源开关,音量调整在确认正确安装天线和电池或外接电源后,旋转机器顶部电源/音量旋钮。 顺时针旋转为开启,继续方向旋转为调接收音量高低。
自动关机、超时停发、自动转发差频、自动范围应答系统支持、双监听、智能扫描等。vx-177 内置的“紧急情况身份识别码自动发射”功能,给那些在危险环境下工作的用户更多的安全保障: 包装清单: 电池,直充,标准双段天线,腰夹等
VX-177中文详细说明书.doc 6页 - 原创力文档
2018年5月14日 · VX-177中文详细说明书.doc,基本使用方法: f 2 f $aZ ? 首先电源开关,音量调整 ]2 N;( R ? 在确认正确安装天线和电池或外接电源后,旋转机器顶部电源/音量旋钮。