LG VX8500 BLACK: Chocolate | LG USA
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一键闪测原理。CNC模式下,只需按下启动键,仪器即可根据工件的形状自动定位测量对象、匹配模板、测量评价、报表生成,真正实现一键�. 板,一键测量; 2. 最多可同�. 测量512个部位; 3. 支 …
VX8000系列闪测仪采用双远心高分辨率光学镜头,结合高精度图像分析算法,并融入一键闪测原理。 CNC模式下,只需按下启动键,仪器即可根据工件的形状自动定位测量对象、匹配模板 …
VX8000系列闪测仪 - 深圳市中图仪器股份有限公司-从纳米到百米, …
VX8000系列闪测仪采用双远心高分辨率光学镜头,结合高精度图像分析算法,并融入一键闪测原理。 CNC模式下,只需按下启动键,仪器即可根据工件的形状自动定位测量对象、匹配模板 …
距离测量机 - VX8500 - Chotest Technology Inc. - 粗糙度 / 角向 /
基于视觉测量原理和精确的图像分析算法,配备高景深的双远心光学镜头,闪光测量机VX8500通过一键式操作实现快速尺寸测量。 VX8500适用于机械、电子、模具、注塑、五金、橡胶、低 …
Flash Measuring Machine VX8500 - Chotest
Based on visual measurement principle with precision image analysis algorithms, equipped with double telecentric optical lens with high depth of field, Flash Measuring Machines VX8500 …
LG VX8500 - Legacy Portable Computing Wiki
The LG VX8500, also known as the LG Chocolate, is the first CDMA entry in the LG Chocolate series, released on August 7th, 2006. It initially was available exclusively on Verizon …
LG VX8500参数-配置-性能规格-参数对比-天极网
LG VX8500参数页面提供真实的LG VX8500配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解LG VX8500。
LG VX-8500 Chocolate Specs, Features (Phone Scoop)
This CDMA phone sports a sleek slider design with hidden touch keys. Key features include a music player, memory card slot, and stereo Bluetooth. Other features include EVDO high …
LG Chocolate VX8500 - Black (Verizon) Cellular Phone
With its minimalist-inspired style and silky-smooth slide design, the Chocolate offers a rich array of features that include V CAST Music, a glowing, touch-sensitive keypad, superlative …