ZB vz. 30 - Wikipedia
The ZB-30 and ZB-30J were Czechoslovakian light machine guns that saw extensive use during World War II. The Zb 30 and Zb 30J were the later versions of the famous Czechoslovak machine gun, the ZB-26. However, the ZB-30 had some design differences, making it similar to the later ZGB-33, which was an early prototype of the Bren gun. [6] .
ZB30輕機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZB30是著名的捷克式 ZB-26 機槍的後期版本。 ZB30有一些設計差異,使它類似於後來的ZGB-33,即 布倫輕機槍 早期原型。 1938年納粹德國吞併捷克後,採用了捷克式ZB-30機槍,將其重新命名為MG30,與 MG34 一樣用作輕機槍使用。 第二次世界大戰初期,由于並未得到 德意志國防軍 的装备供應, 纳粹德国 党卫军 曾大量装备ZB30轻机枪。 同ZB26的指标对比: 阿尔及利亚: 裝備 民族解放軍。 [6] 中华民国: 许可进口和生产。 [9] 衣索比亞:埃塞俄比亞帝國衛隊裝備400 …
10 cm houfnice vz. 30 - Wikipedia
The 10 cm houfnice vz. 30 (howitzer model 30) was a Czechoslovak howitzer used in the Second World War. The 158 weapons captured after the German invasion of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 were taken into Wehrmacht service as the 10 cm leFH 30(t).
OA vz. 30 - Wikipedia
The OA vz. 30 (full name Obrněný automobil vzor 30, English: Armoured Car Type 30) was a Czechoslovak-designed armored car used by Czechoslovakia in the 1930s and by Nazi Germany, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary during World War II.
二战前捷克斯科达的万能大炮——VZ30型76.5毫米野战炮和100毫 …
这两型火炮在德军中的编号为7.65-cm FK 30 (t)和10-cm leFH 30 (t)榴弹炮,广泛部署于一线战场到大西洋壁垒,不管在哪里,它们都是性能出色的武器,防空作战除外。 型号:VZ 30型 100mm毫米榴弹炮. 口径:100毫米. 身管长度:2.5米 L25. 作战重量:1766公斤(或者1798公斤) 牵引重量:3077公斤(骡马牵引) 射角:-8度~80度. 射界:8度. 炮口初速:430米/秒. 射速:6发/分. 射程:10.6公里. 弹重:16公斤高爆弹(内置3.5磅TNT炸药) 炮组成员:10人. 1934年 …
2016年9月2日 · The VZ-30 is a cost effective radio communication solution meant for both first time and intermediate users. This portable radio is equipped with the necessary features to ensure reliable communication at an affordable price.
Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 30 Light Machine Gun (LMG) - Military Factory
2019年5月10日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 30 Light Machine Gun (LMG) including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
ZB vz. 30 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The ZB vz. 30 was licensed built in Romania during World War II and was used after the war by the Patriotic Guards. The ZB-30 and ZB-30J were the later versions of the famous Czechoslovak machine gun, the ZB-26. However, the ZB-30 had some design differences, making it similar to the later ZGB-33, which was an early prototype of the Bren gun. [1]
Czechoslovak LK vz. 30 machine gun and the beginnings of CZUB
2021年5月17日 · In total 6,484 LK vz.30 machineguns were made in both iterations, with at least 3,480 pieces produced in Uherský Brod between 1936 and 1941. From today’s perspective, it is fascinating how fast the whole factory was build as well as how smooth the transfer of the production from Strakonice to Uherský Brod was.
La unidad VZ-30 es un radio económico para usuarios básicos e intermedios. Este radio portátil está dotado de las características necesarias para asegurar una comunicación. Característico de la cartera de unidades portátiles Vertex Standard, el radio está diseñado para facilidad de uso con calidad en mente.