Czechoslovak M32 helmet - Wikipedia
The M32 helmet (Czech: Přilba vz. 32) also known as M32/34 is a military steel combat helmet used by Czechoslovakia from its adoption in 1932 to its annexation by Nazi Germany in 1939. …
32″ Full HD Monitor - ViewZ
Model Number: VZ-32CMP; 32″ Black Panel Widescreen LED “A” Commercial-Grade Monitor; Full HD (1920×1080) / 16:9; 2 CVBS (BNC) Inputs / 1 CVBS (BNC) Output (Loop-through) …
Czechoslovakian vz.32 – Steel Helmets of the World Wars
2022年10月13日 · General Information: The vz.32 was the main helmet used by Czechoslovakian armed forces up to the period just before the beginning of the Second World War. After the …
32″ IP PVM-N - ViewZ
32” Mega Pixel Full HD 1080p IP Public View Monitor; Onvif Profile-S Compliant; Recording Available with Micro SD; People Count / Face Detection (Display Face Detection Boxes) / …
32″ IP Input Monitor - ViewZ
vz-32ipm The ViewZ IP Monitor with onboard Android OS connects to VMS/NVR or IP cameras for streaming live video. Eliminate the need for a client PC with a simple all-in-one solution.
VZ 32 - Eslovaquia - ww2helmets
Finally in 1934 a new design was approved, the Vz. 32, which broke with previous designs. This new model was used massively from 1936 by the Czechoslovak army, and it became one of …
Slovakian vz.32* – Steel Helmets of the World Wars
2022年5月9日 · The Slovakian army was equipped with vz.32 helmets from the former Czechoslovakian republic. The Slovakian helmets were the same as those used by disbanded …
ČSR 1918-1939 - Gardekorps
Podobný vz. 30 se v armádě nezavedl, ale byl používán u hasičů a vyvážen do zahraničí. Nakonec se ujala známá přilba vz. 32, tzv. „hříbek“, ale až do okupace byly zejména u …
Czechoslovak vz.32 steel helmet - Verlag Kopf
Original steel war helmet, model used since 1932 by Czechoslovak and then Slovak army. Item is ready for use. Restored condition: khaki color, new quality liner and chinstrap. Adjustable liner …
Výstroj vojáků československé armadý 1938 - kvhchotebuz.cz
Zde se vám pokusíme popsat výstroj a výzbroj čs. pěšího družstva, tedy nejmenšího organizovaného vojenského tělesa čs. armády. Z jednotlivých družstev pak byly tvořeny čety, …