ST vz. 39 - Wikipedia
ST vz. 39, also known by its factory designation V-8-H, was a Czechoslovak medium tank developed by ČKD in the late 1930s. Only two prototypes were ever built. In the fall of 1937 a competition was launched for a new medium tank to equip the Czechoslovak Army; Škoda, ČKD and Tatra competed.
2019年9月12日 · ST vz.39中型坦克原型车 这款重16吨的坦克包括四名成员,采用一台输出马力257.7匹的8缸汽油发动机,最大速度达到了47km/h,容量210升的汽油可以供应该车行驶150千米。
St vz 39 | Military Wiki | Fandom
ST vz. 39 or V-8-H was a Czechoslovakian medium tank developed by ČKD in the late 1930s. Only two prototypes were ever built. In the fall of 1937 the Czechoslovak armed forces launched a contest for new medium tank.
ST vz. 39:回顾,特点,对比 - WoT Asia
ST vz. 39回顾视频内容包括了战车的主要特点及战斗表现。 V-8-H是结合PS-II-b中型坦克和P-II-b轻型步兵坦克的进一步发展。 战车于1937年夏季到1938年春季进行试验和检测。
ST vz. 39 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
ST vz. 39, also known as V-8-H, was a Czechoslovakian medium tank developed by ČKD in the late 1930s. Only two prototypes were ever built. History: The V-8-H was the first completely independent construction of ČKD Praga.
超测服—捷克斯洛伐克的四级车—ST Vz.39 | XVM中文官方站
2015年9月16日 · The Czech tier 4 ST Vz.39 has arrived to supertest. 超测服上出现了捷克斯洛伐克的4级车,ST Vz.39. Description: 描述: This tank was developed between 1936 and 1937 by ČKD under the designation of V-8-H as a response to the military demand for a new medium tank.
ST vz. 39:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
ST vz. 39 影片評論涵蓋了主要車輛特性及其戰鬥表現。 V-8-H 是 PS-II-b 中型戰車與 P-II-b 輕型步兵戰車的後續研發成品。 此車輛在 1937 年夏季到 1938 年春季期間投入測試。
ST-39 - Wikipedia
プラガ V-8-H、または、ST-39(1939年型中戦車、チェコスロバキア軍名称 Střední tank vzor 39、ST vz. 39、STvz.39)は、第二次世界大戦前の1936年から1938年にかけて、チェコのČKD(チェスコモラスカー コーベン ダニック、略称:チェーカーデー、チェコダ)社が開発 ...
ST vz. 39 - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2023年7月21日 · ST vz. 39, also known by its factory designation V-8-H, was a Czechoslovak medium tank developed by ČKD in the late 1930s. Only two prototypes were ever built. In the fall of 1937 a competition was launched for a new medium tank to equip the Czechoslovak Army; Škoda, ČKD and Tatra competed.
ST vz. 39 - Vojsko.net
ST vz. 39. Kvůli narůstající hrozbě Německa se v letech 1937-38 československý zbrojní program začal zabývat mnohem více také vývojem středních tanků. V učilišti útočné vozby byla ustavena zkušební jednotka, která měla za úkol testovat tanky navržené domácím průmyslem.
ST vz. 39: review, characteristics, comparison - World of Tanks
ST vz. 39 video review covering the main vehicle characteristics and its combat behavior.
ST vz. 39 | Military Wiki | Fandom
ST vz. 39, also known as V-8-H, was a Czechoslovak medium tank developed by ČKD in the late 1930s. Only two prototypes were ever built. In the fall of 1937 the Czechoslovak armed forces launched a contest for new medium tank; Škoda, ČKD and Tatra competed.
24 cm Haubitze 39 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 24 cm houfnice vz.39 (German designation: 24 cm Haubitze 39) (Howitzer model 39) was a Czechoslovak-designed siege howitzer used in the Second World War. It was kept in production after the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 and a total of eighteen was delivered to the...
【捷克斯洛伐克MT线】4级MT—— ST Vz.39 - 17173
2015年12月10日 · 捷克斯洛伐克mt线,这是4级mt数据
ST vz. 39 - Medium Tanks - Czech - World Of Tanks Tank Compare
After all faults were removed, the tank saw service under the designation ST vz.39. The vehicle never entered mass production. ST vz. 39 vs. Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A-32.
ST vz. 39 | Czechoslovakia | Tankopedia | World of Tanks Modern …
The V-8-H was a further development of the PS-II-b medium tank and the P-II-b light infantry tank. The vehicle underwent trials from the summer of 1937 through the spring of 1938. In the fall of 1938, additional trials were held. After all faults were removed, the tank saw service under the designation ST vz.39.
ST vz. 39 - NamuWiki
After fixing the defects discovered during the test runs, it was adopted for service under the name ST vz. 39, but it was never mass-produced. The turret, tracks, etc. were modeled after the LT vz. 34 and SP.ll-b and P.ll-b tanks, and the 47mm Škoda A-11 main gun was installed, giving it decent firepower.
ST vz. 39 - Armor models, Best Equipment, Crew Skills, Stats, …
Discover the best equipment, crew skills, field modifications, WN8 stats, Marks of Excellence, mastery requirements, and armor models for ST vz. 39. Explore in-depth details for optimal gameplay on Tomato.gg.
Tank Encyclopedia :: Tanks :: ST vz. 39 :: Tank description
The ST vz. 39 is a Czechoslovakian tier 4 medium tank.V-8-H was a further development of the PS-II-b medium tank and the P-II-b light infantry tank. The vehicle underwent trials from the summer of 1937 through the spring of 1938. In the fall of 1938, additional trials were held.
Czechoslovakian VZ.52/57 7.62X39 SA RIFLE | Colorado Gun Sales
The vz.52/57 is a Czechoslovakian self-loading rifle converted from the vz.52 that had started development in the 1940s as a replacement for the vz.24 Mauser type rifle in service with the Czechoslovakian army. After WWII ended many nations realized the need for an intermediate cartridge that would better serve the changing ways of modern combat.