CZ 50 (vz 50) two tone? | Gun and Game Forum
2011年10月28日 · CZ 50 (vz 50) two tone? Jump to Latest 1.6K views 0 replies 1 participant last post by adamhgkb Oct 28, 2011
Czech Firearms - Gun and Game Forum
2003年11月3日 · CZ-75,CZ-52, VZ-52/57 and all Czech firearms in this forum
Mauser tgf-1950 - Gun and Game Forum
2013年4月23日 · During World War II, the vz. 24 was produced for the German armed forces during its occupation. The rifle was also produced in nearby Slovakia, a German ally and puppet state during the war. The vz. 24 rifle was widely exported and enjoyed usage during and after World War 2, noticeably by Romania, Iran, Guatemala, China and others.
vz 58 longevity | Gun and Game Forum
2013年2月9日 · I bought a brand-new ("Buy Now" on GB) CSA VZ-58 about two months ago. It's certainly an interesting contrast with my 'actual' AK clones. Reportedly the VZ-58's creator was twenty five years old. Reminder--the CSA/Czechpoint generic VZs have the muzzle threads for a muzzle brake. My brake from Czechpoint fits and locks in place very easily.
VZ 24 or M48 | Gun and Game Forum
2013年9月30日 · VZ 24 or M48 Jump to Latest 4.3K views 11 replies 8 participants last post by msdibble Oct 22, 2013
Gun and Game Forum
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BRNO model 21F # 10,835 has a VZ 24 trigger | Gun and Game …
2023年11月26日 · BRNO model 21F # 10,835 has a VZ 24 trigger Jump to Latest 891 views 2 replies 3 participants last post by rando Nov 28, 2023
No4 mki enfield priced out of sight | Gun and Game Forum
2024年3月16日 · It was all Japan could do to make Arisakas for their own troops. Heck, some of the Rikusentai are pictured with "Siamese Mausers", vz 24s and captured M1 carbines. Japan DID supply rifles to various countries prior to, and during, WWI. Koishikawa famously made the Mexican 1913 rifle in 7mm Mauser.
Choate SKS comp. - Gun and Game Forum
2013年6月14日 · On the note of 7.62x39 needing any compensation, I shot my Century VZ-58 today with and without an AK-74 style muzzle brake. There is noticeable difference in muzzle climb and perceived recoil with and without. That specific brake mitigates about 50% of both muzzle climb and recoil on my VZ-58. This is what I have.
VZ 320 1911 Grips? | The High Road
2010年3月18日 · How’s the “gripynes” of VZ 320 1911 Grips, compared to checkered wood?